fourier_vec {timetk}R Documentation

Fourier Series


fourier_vec() calculates a Fourier Series from a date or date-time index.


fourier_vec(x, period, K = 1, type = c("sin", "cos"), scale_factor = NULL)



A date, POSIXct, yearmon, yearqtr, or numeric sequence (scaled to difference 1 for period alignment) to be converted to a fourier series.


The number of observations that complete one cycle.


The fourier term order.


Either "sin" or "cos" for the appropriate type of fourier term.


Scale factor is a calculated value that scales date sequences to numeric sequences. A user can provide a different value of scale factor to override the date scaling. Default: NULL (auto-scale).



This function is NA padded by default so it works well with dplyr::mutate() operations.

Fourier Series Calculation

The internal calculation is relatively straightforward: ⁠fourier(x) = sin(2 * pi * term * x) or cos(2 * pi * term * x)⁠, where term = K / period.

Period Alignment, period

The period alignment with the sequence is an essential part of fourier series calculation.

Fourier Order, K

The fourier order is a parameter that increases the frequency. K = 2 doubles the frequency. It's common in time series analysis to add multiple fourier orders (e.g. 1 through 5) to account for seasonalities that occur faster than the primary seasonality.

Type (Sin/Cos)

The type of the fourier series can be either sin or cos. It's common in time series analysis to add both sin and cos series.


A numeric vector

See Also

Fourier Modeling Functions:

Additional Vector Functions:



# Set max.print to 50
options_old <- options()$max.print
options(max.print = 50)

date_sequence <- tk_make_timeseries("2016-01-01", "2016-01-31", by = "hour")

# --- VECTOR ---

fourier_vec(date_sequence, period = 7 * 24, K = 1, type = "sin")

# --- MUTATE ---

tibble(date = date_sequence) %>%
    # Add cosine series that oscilates at a 7-day period
        C1_7 = fourier_vec(date, period = 7*24, K = 1, type = "cos"),
        C2_7 = fourier_vec(date, period = 7*24, K = 2, type = "cos")
    ) %>%
    # Visualize
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = contains("_"), names_to = "name", values_to = "value") %>%
        date, value, .color_var = name,
        .smooth = FALSE,
        .interactive = FALSE,
        .title = "7-Day Fourier Terms"

options(max.print = options_old)

[Package timetk version 2.9.0 Index]