add_count |
Count the observations in each group |
add_count.Seurat |
Count the observations in each group |
aggregate_cells |
Aggregate cells |
aggregate_cells-method |
Aggregate cells |
arrange |
Order rows using column values |
arrange.Seurat |
Order rows using column values |
as_tibble |
Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames |
as_tibble.Seurat |
Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames |
bind_cols |
Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column |
bind_cols.Seurat |
Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column |
bind_rows |
Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column |
bind_rows.Seurat |
Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column |
cell_type_df |
Cell types of 80 PBMC single cells |
count |
Count the observations in each group |
count.Seurat |
Count the observations in each group |
distinct |
Keep distinct/unique rows |
distinct.Seurat |
Keep distinct/unique rows |
extract |
Extract a character column into multiple columns using regular expression groups |
extract.Seurat |
Extract a character column into multiple columns using regular expression groups |
filter |
Keep rows that match a condition |
filter.Seurat |
Keep rows that match a condition |
formatting |
Printing tibbles |
full_join |
Mutating joins |
full_join.Seurat |
Mutating joins |
ggplot |
Create a new 'ggplot' from a 'tidyseurat' |
ggplot.Seurat |
Create a new 'ggplot' from a 'tidyseurat' |
glimpse |
Get a glimpse of your data |
glimpse.tidyseurat |
Get a glimpse of your data |
group_by |
Group by one or more variables |
group_by.Seurat |
Group by one or more variables |
group_split |
Split data frame by groups |
group_split.Seurat |
Split data frame by groups |
inner_join |
Mutating joins |
inner_join.Seurat |
Mutating joins |
join_features |
join_features |
join_features-method |
join_features |
join_transcripts |
(DEPRECATED) Extract and join information for transcripts. |
left_join |
Mutating joins |
left_join.Seurat |
Mutating joins |
mutate |
Create, modify, and delete columns |
mutate.Seurat |
Create, modify, and delete columns |
nest |
Nest rows into a list-column of data frames |
nest.Seurat |
Nest rows into a list-column of data frames |
pbmc_small_nested_interactions |
Intercellular ligand-receptor interactions for 38 ligands from a single cell RNA-seq cluster. |
pivot_longer |
Pivot data from wide to long |
pivot_longer.Seurat |
Pivot data from wide to long |
plotly |
Initiate a plotly visualization |
plot_ly |
Initiate a plotly visualization |
plot_ly.Seurat |
Initiate a plotly visualization |
plot_ly.tbl_df |
Initiate a plotly visualization |
print |
Printing tibbles |
print.Seurat |
Printing tibbles |
pull |
Extract a single column |
pull.Seurat |
Extract a single column |
rename |
Rename columns |
rename.Seurat |
Rename columns |
return_arguments_of |
returns variables from an expression |
right_join |
Mutating joins |
right_join.Seurat |
Mutating joins |
rowwise |
Group input by rows |
rowwise.Seurat |
Group input by rows |
sample_frac |
Sample n rows from a table |
sample_frac.Seurat |
Sample n rows from a table |
sample_n |
Sample n rows from a table |
sample_n.Seurat |
Sample n rows from a table |
select |
Keep or drop columns using their names and types |
select.Seurat |
Keep or drop columns using their names and types |
separate |
Separate a character column into multiple columns with a regular expression or numeric locations |
separate.Seurat |
Separate a character column into multiple columns with a regular expression or numeric locations |
slice |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice.Seurat |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_head |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_head.Seurat |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_max |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_max.Seurat |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_min |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_min.Seurat |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_sample |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_sample.Seurat |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_tail |
Subset rows using their positions |
slice_tail.Seurat |
Subset rows using their positions |
summarise |
Summarise each group down to one row |
summarise.Seurat |
Summarise each group down to one row |
summarize |
Summarise each group down to one row |
summarize.Seurat |
Summarise each group down to one row |
tbl_format_header |
Format the header of a tibble |
tbl_format_header.tidySeurat |
Format the header of a tibble |
tidy |
tidy for 'Seurat' |
tidy.Seurat |
tidy for 'Seurat' |
unite |
Unite multiple columns into one by pasting strings together |
unite.Seurat |
Unite multiple columns into one by pasting strings together |
unnest |
Unnest a list-column of data frames into rows and columns |
unnest.tidyseurat_nested |
Unnest a list-column of data frames into rows and columns |
unnest_seurat |
Unnest a list-column of data frames into rows and columns |