Species Distribution Models with Tidymodels

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Documentation for package ‘tidysdm’ version 0.9.4

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add_member Add best member of workflow to a simple ensemble
add_member.default Add best member of workflow to a simple ensemble
add_member.tune_results Add best member of workflow to a simple ensemble
add_member.workflow_set Add best member of workflow to a simple ensemble
add_repeat Add repeat(s) to a repeated ensemble
add_repeat.default Add repeat(s) to a repeated ensemble
add_repeat.list Add repeat(s) to a repeated ensemble
add_repeat.simple_ensemble Add repeat(s) to a repeated ensemble
autoplot.simple_ensemble Plot the results of a simple ensemble
autoplot.spatial_initial_split Create a ggplot for a spatial initial rsplit.
average_precision.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
blockcv2rsample Convert an object created with 'blockCV' to an 'rsample' object
boyce_cont Boyce continuous index (BCI)
boyce_cont.data.frame Boyce continuous index (BCI)
boyce_cont.sf Boyce continuous index (BCI)
boyce_cont_vec Boyce continuous index (BCI)
brier_class.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
calib_class_thresh Calibrate class thresholds
check_sdm_presence Check that the column with presences is correctly formatted
check_splits_balance Check the balance of presences vs pseudoabsences among splits
classification_cost.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
collect_metrics.repeat_ensemble Obtain and format results produced by tuning functions for ensemble objects
collect_metrics.simple_ensemble Obtain and format results produced by tuning functions for ensemble objects
control_ensemble_bayes Control wrappers
control_ensemble_grid Control wrappers
control_ensemble_resamples Control wrappers
dist_pres_vs_bg Distance between the distribution of climate values for presences vs background
explain_tidysdm Create explainer from your tidysdm ensembles.
explain_tidysdm.default Create explainer from your tidysdm ensembles.
explain_tidysdm.repeat_ensemble Create explainer from your tidysdm ensembles.
explain_tidysdm.simple_ensemble Create explainer from your tidysdm ensembles.
feature_classes Parameters for maxent models
filter_high_cor Filter to retain only variables below a given correlation threshold
filter_high_cor.data.frame Filter to retain only variables below a given correlation threshold
filter_high_cor.default Filter to retain only variables below a given correlation threshold
filter_high_cor.matrix Filter to retain only variables below a given correlation threshold
filter_high_cor.SpatRaster Filter to retain only variables below a given correlation threshold
filter_high_cor_algorithm Filter to retain only variables below a given correlation threshold
gain_capture.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
gam_formula Create a formula for gam
geom_split_violin Split violin geometry for ggplots
grid_cellsize Get default grid cellsize for a given dataset
grid_offset Get default grid cellsize for a given dataset
horses Coordinates of radiocarbon dates for horses
kap_max Maximum Cohen's Kappa
kap_max.data.frame Maximum Cohen's Kappa
kap_max.sf Maximum Cohen's Kappa
kap_max_vec Maximum Cohen's Kappa
km2m Convert a geographic distance from km to m
lacerta Coordinates of presences for Iberian emerald lizard
lacerta_ensemble A simple ensemble for the lacerta data
lacerta_rep_ens A repeat ensemble for the lacerta data
maxent Maxent model
maxent_params Parameters for maxent models
mn_log_loss.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
optim_thresh Find threshold that optimises a given metric
plot_pres_vs_bg Plot presences vs background
predict.repeat_ensemble Predict for a repeat ensemble set
predict.simple_ensemble Predict for a simple ensemble set
predict_raster Make predictions for a whole raster
predict_raster.default Make predictions for a whole raster
prob_metrics_sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
pr_auc.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
recipe.sf Recipe for 'sf' objects
regularization_multiplier Parameters for maxent models
repeat_ensemble Repeat ensemble
roc_auc.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
roc_aunp.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
roc_aunu.sf Probability metrics for 'sf' objects
sample_pseudoabs Sample pseudo-absence (or background) points for SDM analysis
sample_pseudoabs_time Sample pseudo-absence (or background) points for SDM analysis for points with a time point.
sdm_metric_set Metric set for SDM
sdm_spec_boost_tree Model specification for a Boosted Trees model for SDM
sdm_spec_gam Model specification for a GAM for SDM
sdm_spec_glm Model specification for a GLM for SDM
sdm_spec_maxent Model specification for a MaxEnt for SDM
sdm_spec_rand_forest Model specification for a Random Forest for SDM
sdm_spec_rf Model specification for a Random Forest for SDM
simple_ensemble Simple ensemble
spatial_initial_split Simple Training/Test Set Splitting for spatial data
spatial_recipe Recipe for 'sf' objects
thin_by_cell Thin point dataset to have 1 observation per raster cell
thin_by_cell_time Thin point dataset to have 1 observation per raster cell per time slice
thin_by_dist Thin points dataset based on geographic distance
thin_by_dist_time Thin points dataset based on geographic and temporal distance
tidysdm tidysdm
tss TSS - True Skill Statistics
tss.data.frame TSS - True Skill Statistics
tss_max Maximum TSS - True Skill Statistics
tss_max.data.frame Maximum TSS - True Skill Statistics
tss_max.sf Maximum TSS - True Skill Statistics
tss_max_vec Maximum TSS - True Skill Statistics
y2d Convert a time interval from years to days