tableAWGCuWire |
AWG Wire Sizes with Resistance and More |
temperatureMeasurementDifficulty |
temperature Measurement Difficulty |
temperatureSensorTypes |
Temperature Sensor Types |
ThermistorAlphaApproximatedFromBeta |
Thermistor Alpha Approximated From Beta |
ThermistorAnyNumberOfCoeffFromMeasurements |
Calculate Hoge1 coefficients from measurements |
ThermistorApproxDriftResistance |
Approximation of Drift Resistance of NTC Thermistors |
ThermistorApproxDriftTime |
Approximation of Drift Time of NTC Thermistors |
ThermistorCalculateBeta |
Estimate thermistor beta coefficient from two known resistance/temperature values |
ThermistorCalibrationEquation |
Thermistor calibration equation |
ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge1 |
Resistance–temperature calibration equation Hoge 1 |
ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge2 |
Resistance–temperature calibration equation Hoge 1 |
ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge3 |
Resistance–temperature calibration equation Hoge 1 |
ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge4 |
Resistance–temperature calibration equation Hoge 1 |
ThermistorCalibrationEquationHoge5 |
Resistance–temperature calibration equation Hoge 1 |
ThermistorConvertADCreadingToTemperatureC |
Convert ADC reading into a temperature in Celcius by using two resistors |
ThermistorConvertTemperatureCtoADCreading |
Convert temperature in Celcius into ADC reading, with two resistors |
ThermistorHoge1CoeffFromMeasurements |
Calculate Hoge1 coefficients from measurements |
ThermistorHoge2CoeffFromMeasurements |
Calculate Hoge1 coefficients from measurements |
ThermistorHoge3CoeffFromMeasurements |
Calculate Hoge1 coefficients from measurements |
ThermistorHoge4CoeffFromMeasurements |
Calculate Hoge1 coefficients from measurements |
thermistorMaximumMeasuringVoltage |
NTC thermistor Nominal Resistance and Maximum measuring voltage |
ThermistorResistance |
Estimate thermistor resistance from temperature |
ThermistorResistanceDeviation |
Thermistor Resistance Deviation |
ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHart |
Steinhart-Hart Equation for Thermistor Resistance |
ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHart2 |
Steinhart-Hart equation for thermistor resistance, calculated with Maxima |
ThermistorResistanceSteinhartHartUsing3T |
Steinhart-Hart equation for thermistor resistance using 3 temperature points |
ThermistorResistanceTolerance |
Thermistor relationship resistance tolerance |
ThermistorSensitivity |
Thermistor Sensitivity |
ThermistorSlope |
Thermistor Slope (Resistance Ratio) |
ThermistorSteinhartHartCoeffFromMeasurements |
Steinhart-Hart coefficients A, B, C from measurements |
ThermistorTemperature |
RTD temperature Fit |
ThermistorTemperatureAccuracy |
Thermistor relationship temperature accuracy |
ThermistorTemperatureDeviation |
Thermistor temperature Deviation |
ThermistorTemperatureFitPolynomial |
RTD temperature Fit Polynomial |
ThermistorTemperatureSteinhartHart |
Steinhart-Hart Equation for Thermistor Temperature |
ThermistorVolumeResistivityFromR25 |
Thermistor Volume Resistivity at 25C |
ThermistorVolumeResistivityFromRho |
Thermistor Volume Resistivity at 25C |
thermocoupleAndExtensionWiresInternationalColorCodes |
Wire Color for Thermocouples and Lead Wires |
thermocoupleCables |
Thermocouple Cables |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeB |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeBrationalPolynomial |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeE |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeErationalPolynomial |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeJ |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeJrationalPolynomial |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeK |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeKrationalPolynomial |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeN |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeNrationalPolynomial |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeR |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeRrationalPolynomial |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeS |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeSrationalPolynomial |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeT |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleCoefficientsTypeTrationalPolynomial |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleColdJunctionVoltageCoeff |
Thermocouple Cold Junction Voltage Coefficients |
thermocoupleCompensatingExtensionWireColorUnitedStatesCanadaMexico |
Wire Color for Thermocouples and Lead Wires |
thermocoupleDefinitionTypes |
Thermocouple Types Definitions |
ThermocoupleEquationTemperatureToVoltage |
Thermocouple cold junction voltages |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeB |
Equation for Calculating Voltage from Temperature for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeBrationalPolynomial |
Thermocouple polynomial function approximation |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeE |
Equation for Calculating Voltage from Temperature for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeErationalPolynomial |
Thermocouple polynomial function approximation |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeJ |
Equation for Calculating Voltage from Temperature for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeJrationalPolynomial |
Thermocouple polynomial function approximation |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeK |
Equation for Calculating Voltage from Temperature for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeKrationalPolynomial |
Thermocouple polynomial function approximation |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeN |
Equation for Calculating Voltage from Temperature for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeNrationalPolynomial |
Thermocouple polynomial function approximation |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeR |
Equation for Calculating Voltage from Temperature for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeRrationalPolynomial |
Thermocouple polynomial function approximation |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeS |
Equation for Calculating Voltage from Temperature for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeSrationalPolynomial |
Thermocouple polynomial function approximation |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeT |
Equation for Calculating Voltage from Temperature for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleEquationTypeTrationalPolynomial |
Thermocouple polynomial function approximation |
thermocoupleErrorLimits |
Limits of Error for Thermocouples |
thermocoupleExtensionCables |
Thermocouple Extension Cables |
thermocoupleExtensionWireColorUnitedStatesCanadaMexico |
Wire Color for Thermocouples and Lead Wires |
thermocoupleFixedPointsITS90 |
fixed Points ITS90 |
ThermocoupleFundamentalRelation |
Thermocouple Fundamental Relation |
ThermocoupleFundamentalRelation2 |
Thermocouple Fundamental Relation |
thermocoupleInsulatingMaterialsCeramicPackedStock |
Insulating Materials for Ceramic Packed Thermocouple Stock |
thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeB |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeE |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeJ |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeK |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeN |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeR |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeS |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleInverseCoefficientsTypeT |
Polynomial Equation Coefficients for Voltage to Temperature for Thermocouple Type B |
ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeB |
Equation for Calculating Temperature from Voltage for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeE |
Equation for Calculating Temperature from Voltage for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeJ |
Equation for Calculating Temperature from Voltage for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeK |
Equation for Calculating Temperature from Voltage for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeN |
Equation for Calculating Temperature from Voltage for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeR |
Equation for Calculating Temperature from Voltage for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeS |
Equation for Calculating Temperature from Voltage for Thermocouples Type B |
ThermocoupleInverseEquationTypeT |
Equation for Calculating Temperature from Voltage for Thermocouples Type B |
thermocoupleInverseFunctionsRange |
Error range for Polynomial inverse functions for Thermocouples |
ThermocoupleLeadWireExternalResistanceUS |
Calculate the external resistance to an instrument |
thermocoupleMineralInsulated |
Mineral Insulated Thermocouples |
thermocoupleMounting |
Thermocouple Mounting |
thermocoupleNominalSeebeckCoefficients |
Nominal Seebeck Coefficients |
thermocoupleRecommendedUpperTempLimitsProtected |
Recommended Upper Temperature Limits for Protected Thermocouples |
thermocoupleResponseTime |
Thermocouple Response Times |
thermocoupleSingleLegThermoelements |
Letter designations, compositions, and trade names of single-leg thermoelements |
ThermocoupleStemLossErrorEstimate |
Stem Loss Error Estimate for Thermocouple |
ThermocoupleTable10colsTo2 |
Convert the thermocouple table for easier use |
thermocoupleTypeBthermoelectricVoltage |
Thermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleTypeEthermoelectricVoltage |
Thermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleTypeJthermoelectricVoltage |
Thermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleTypeKthermoelectricVoltage |
Thermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleTypeNthermoelectricVoltage |
Thermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleTypeRthermoelectricVoltage |
Thermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleTypesASTM |
Thermocouple Wire Constituents |
thermocoupleTypeSthermoelectricVoltage |
Thermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B |
thermocoupleTypeTthermoelectricVoltage |
Thermoelectric Voltage for Thermocouple Type B |
ThermocoupleVoltageContributionTwoHomogeneousWires |
Voltage Contribution of Two Homogeneous Wires |
thermocoupleWireColorUnitedStatesCanadaMexico |
Wire Color for Thermocouples and Lead Wires |
thermocoupleWireSizeResistanceImperial |
thermocouple wire size and resistance table |
ThermocoupleWithReference |
Thermocouple with Reference |
ThermocoupleWithReference2 |
Thermocouple with Reference |
TminusT90CCT2008 |
T - T90 computed by a polynomial |
TminusT90Pavese4CubicPolynomials |
T - T90 computed by 4 cubic polynomials |
TminusT90Pavese6CubicPolynomials |
T - T90 computed by 6 cubic polynomials |