apply_frmt |
Apply formatting |
apply_frmt.frmt |
Apply formatting |
apply_frmt.frmt_combine |
Apply formatting |
apply_frmt.frmt_when |
Apply formatting |
big_n_structure |
Big N Structure |
body_plan |
Table Body Plan |
col_plan |
Define the Column Plan & Span Structures |
col_style_plan |
Column Style Plan |
col_style_structure |
Column Style Structure |
data_ae |
Adverse Events Analysis Results Data |
data_demog |
Demography Analysis Results Data |
data_efficacy |
Efficacy Analysis Results Data |
data_labs |
Labs Analysis Results Data |
display_row_frmts |
Display formatting applied to each row |
display_val_frmts |
Display formatted values |
element_block |
Element block |
element_row_grp_loc |
Element Row Group Location |
footnote_plan |
Footnote Plan |
footnote_structure |
Footnote Structure |
frmt |
Table Value Formatting |
frmt_combine |
Table Value Formatting |
frmt_structure |
Format Structure Object |
frmt_when |
Table Value Formatting |
is_frmt |
Check if input is a frmt |
is_frmt_combine |
Check if input is a frmt |
is_frmt_structure |
Check if input is a frmt |
is_frmt_when |
Check if input is a frmt |
is_row_grp_structure |
Check if input is a frmt |
json_to_tfrmt |
json to tfrmt |
layer_tfrmt |
Layer tfrmt objects together |
make_mock_data |
Make mock data for display shells |
page_plan |
Page Plan |
page_structure |
Page structure |
param_set |
Set custom parameter-level significant digits rounding |
print_mock_gt |
Print mock table to GT |
print_to_ggplot |
Print to ggplot |
print_to_gt |
Print to gt |
row_grp_plan |
Row Group Plan |
row_grp_structure |
Row Group Structure Object |
span_structure |
Define the Column Plan & Span Structures |
tfrmt |
Table Format |
tfrmt_n_pct |
N Percent Template |
tfrmt_sigdig |
Create tfrmt object from significant digits spec |
tfrmt_to_json |
Print to JSON |
update_group |
Remap group values in a tfrmt |