Diss-ergmTerm {tergm}R Documentation

The Dissolution Operator Term


The Dissolution Operator Term


# binary: Diss(
#           formula,
#           lm = ~1,
#           subset = TRUE,
#           weights = 1,
#           contrasts = NULL,
#           offset = 0,
#           label = NULL
#         )



a one-sided ergm()-style formula with the terms to be evaluated

lm, subset, weights, contrasts, offset, label

NetSeries() LHS only arguments to specify time-varying parameters. See N() term operator in the ergm.multi for details. lm formula may reference .Time for the network's time index, .TimeID for the its index in the network series (where the initial network is 1 and the first modelled network is 2), and .TimeDelta for the time elapsed between the network and the immediately previous network in the series.


This term accepts a model formula and produces the corresponding model for the post-dissolution network (same as Persist() ), but with all statistics negated.

Note: This is not the equivalent of the old style dissolution model, because the signs of the coefficients are reversed. So a larger positive coefficient for Diss() operator means more dissolution.

See Also

ergmTerm for index of model terms currently visible to the package.



[Package tergm version 4.2.0 Index]