Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based on Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

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Documentation for package ‘tergm’ version 4.2.0

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tergm-package Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Dynamic Network Models derived from Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
.extract.fd.formulae An Internal Function for Extracting (Some) Formation and Dissolution Formulas from a Combined Formula
Change-ergmTerm The Change Operator Term
control.simulate.formula.tergm Auxiliary for Controlling Temporal ERGM Simulation Auxiliary for Controlling Separable Temporal ERGM Simulation
control.simulate.stergm Auxiliary for Controlling Separable Temporal ERGM Simulation
control.simulate.tergm Auxiliary for Controlling Temporal ERGM Simulation
control.stergm Auxiliary for Controlling Separable Temporal ERGM Fitting
control.tergm Auxiliary for Controlling Temporal ERGM Fitting
control.tergm.godfather Control parameters for 'tergm.godfather()'.
Cross-ergmTerm The Crossection Operator Term
degrange.mean.age-ergmTerm Average age of ties incident on nodes having degree in a given range
degree.mean.age-ergmTerm Average age of ties incident on nodes having a given degree
discord-ergmConstraint Discordant dyads
discord-ergmHint Discordant dyads
Diss-ergmTerm The Dissolution Operator Term
edge.ages-ergmTerm Sum of ages of extant ties
EdgeAges-ergmTerm The EdgeAges Operator Term
edgecov.ages-ergmTerm Weighted sum of ages of extant ties
edgecov.mean.age-ergmTerm Weighted average age of an extant tie
edges.ageinterval-ergmTerm Number of edges with age falling into a specified range
Form-ergmTerm The Formation Operator Term Impute missing dyads in a series of networks
InitErgmConstraint.discord Discordant dyads
InitErgmTerm.Change The Change Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.Change (dynamic) The Change Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.Cross The Crossection Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.degrange.mean.age Average age of ties incident on nodes having degree in a given range Average age of ties incident on nodes having a given degree
InitErgmTerm.Diss The Dissolution Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.Diss (dynamic) The Dissolution Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.edge.ages Sum of ages of extant ties
InitErgmTerm.EdgeAges The EdgeAges Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.edgecov.ages Weighted sum of ages of extant ties
InitErgmTerm.edgecov.mean.age Weighted average age of an extant tie
InitErgmTerm.edges.ageinterval Number of edges with age falling into a specified range
InitErgmTerm.Form The Formation Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.Form (dynamic) The Formation Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.mean.age Average age of an extant tie
InitErgmTerm.nodefactor.mean.age Average ages of extant half-ties incident on nodes of specified attribute levels
InitErgmTerm.nodemix.mean.age Average ages of extant ties of specified mixing types
InitErgmTerm.Persist The Persistence Operator Term
InitErgmTerm.Persist (dynamic) The Persistence Operator Term
is.durational Testing for duration dependent models
is.durational.ergm_model Testing for duration dependent models
is.durational.ergm_state Testing for duration dependent models
is.durational.formula Testing for duration dependent models
is.durational.NULL Testing for duration dependent models
lasttoggle Lasttoggle
mean.age-ergmTerm Average age of an extant tie
NetSeries A network series specification for conditional modeling.
nodefactor.mean.age-ergmTerm Average ages of extant half-ties incident on nodes of specified attribute levels
nodemix.mean.age-ergmTerm Average ages of extant ties of specified mixing types
Persist-ergmTerm The Persistence Operator Term STERGM wrappers for TERGM simulation
simulate.networkDynamic STERGM wrappers for TERGM simulation
simulate.stergm STERGM wrappers for TERGM simulation
simulate.tergm Draw from the distribution of a Temporal Exponential Family Random Graph Model Draw from the distribution of a Temporal Exponential Family Random Graph Model
simulate_formula.networkDynamic Draw from the distribution of a Temporal Exponential Family Random Graph Model
snctrl Statnet Control
stergm Separable Temporal Exponential Family Random Graph Models (Deprecated)
summary.formula Calculation of networkDynamic statistics.
summary_formula.networkDynamic Calculation of networkDynamic statistics.
tergm Temporal Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
tergm.godfather A function to apply a given series of changes to a network.