tunevt {tehtuner}R Documentation

Fit a tuned Virtual Twins model


tunevt fits a Virtual Twins model to estimate factors and subgroups associated with differential treatment effects while controlling the Type I error rate of falsely detecting at least one heterogeneous effect when the treatment effect is uniform across the study population.


  Y = "Y",
  Trt = "Trt",
  step1 = "randomforest",
  step2 = "rtree",
  threshold = NA,
  keepz = FALSE,
  parallel = FALSE,



a data frame containing a response, binary treatment indicators, and covariates.


a string specifying the name of the column of data contains the response.


a string specifying the name of the column of data contains the treatment indicators.


character strings specifying the Step 1 model. Supports either "lasso", "mars", "randomforest", or "superlearner".


a character string specifying the Step 2 model. Supports "lasso", "rtree", "classtree", or "ctree".


the nominal Type I error rate.


the number of permutations to run.


for "step2 = 'classtree'" only. The value against which to test if the estimated individual treatment effect from Step 1 is higher (TRUE) or lower (FALSE).


logical. Should the estimated CATE from Step 1 be returned?


Should the loop over replications be parallelized? If FALSE, then no, if TRUE, then yes. Note that running in parallel requires a parallel backend that must be registered before performing the computation. See the foreach documentation for more details.


additional arguments to the Step 1 model call.


Virtual Twins is a two-step approach to detecting differential treatment effects. Subjects' conditional average treatment effects (CATEs) are first estimated in Step 1 using a flexible model. Then, a simple and interpretable model is fit in Step 2 to model either (1) the expected value of these estimated CATEs if step2 is equal to "lasso", "rtree", or "ctree" or (2) the probability that the CATE is greater than a specified threshold if step2 is equal to "classtree".

The Step 2 model is dependent on some tuning parameter. This parameter is selected to control the Type I error rate by permuting the data under the null hypothesis of a constant treatment effect and identifying the minimal null penalty parameter (MNPP), which is the smallest penalty parameter that yields a Step 2 model with no covariate effects. The 1-alpha0 quantile of the distribution of is then used to fit the Step 2 model on the original data.


An object of class "tunevt".

An object of class "tunevt" is a list containing at least the following components:


the matched call


the model estimated by the given step2 procedure fit with the permuted tuning parameter for the estimated CATEs from the step1 model. See vt2_lasso, vt2_rtree, or vt2_ctree for specifics.


the MNPP for the estimated CATEs from Step 1.


a vector of the MNPPs from each permutation under the null hypothesis.


the probability of observing a MNPP as or more extreme as the observed MNPP under the null hypothesis of no effect heterogeneity.


if keepz = TRUE, the estimated CATEs from the step1 model.


Foster JC, Taylor JM, Ruberg SJ (2011). “Subgroup identification from randomized clinical trial data.” Statistics in Medicine, 30(24), 2867–2880. ISSN 02776715, doi:10.1002/sim.4322.

Wolf JM, Koopmeiners JS, Vock DM (2022). “A permutation procedure to detect heterogeneous treatment effects in randomized clinical trials while controlling the type I error rate.” Clinical Trials, 19(5), 512-521. ISSN 1740-7745, doi:10.1177/17407745221095855, Publisher: SAGE Publications.

Deng C, Wolf JM, Vock DM, Carroll DM, Hatsukami DK, Leng N, Koopmeiners JS (2023). “Practical guidance on modeling choices for the virtual twins method.” Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. doi:10.1080/10543406.2023.2170404.


# Low p_reps for example use only
  tehtuner_example, step1 = "lasso", step2 = "rtree",
  alpha0 = 0.2, p_reps = 5

[Package tehtuner version 0.3.0 Index]