tcplLoadData {tcpl}R Documentation

Load tcpl data


tcplLoadData queries the tcpl databases and returns a data.table with data for the given level and data type.


tcplLoadData(lvl, fld = NULL, val = NULL, type = "mc", add.fld = TRUE)



Integer of length 1, the level of data to load


Character, the field(s) to query on


List, vectors of values for each field to query on. Must be in the same order as 'fld'.


Character of length 1, the data type, "sc" or "mc"


Boolean if true we want to return the additional parameters fit with tcplfit2


The data type can be either 'mc' for mutliple concentration data, or 'sc' for single concentration data. Multiple concentration data will be loaded into the 'mc' tables, whereas the single concentration will be loaded into the 'sc' tables.

Setting 'lvl' to "agg" will return an aggregate table containing the m4id with the concentration-response data and m3id to map back to well-level information.

Leaving fld NULL will return all data.

Valid fld inputs are based on the data level and type:

type lvl Queried tables
sc 0 sc0
sc 1 sc0, sc1
sc agg sc1, sc2_agg
sc 2 sc2
mc 0 mc0
mc 1 mc0, mc1
mc 2 mc0, mc1, mc2
mc 3 mc0, mc1, mc3
mc agg mc3, mc4_agg
mc 4 mc4
mc 5 mc4, mc5
mc 6 mc4, mc6
mc 7 mc4, mc7


A data.table containing data for the given fields.

See Also

tcplQuery, data.table


## Store the current config settings, so they can be reloaded at the end
## of the examples
conf_store <- tcplConfList()

## Load all of level 0 for multiple-concentration data, note 'mc' is the
## default value for type
tcplLoadData(lvl = 0)

## Load all of level 1 for single-concentration
tcplLoadData(lvl = 1, type = "sc")

## List the fields available for level 1, coming from tables mc0 and mc1
tcplListFlds(tbl = "mc0")
tcplListFlds(tbl = "mc1")

## Load level 0 data where the well type is "t" and the concentration
## index is 3 or 4
tcplLoadData(lvl = 1, fld = c("wllt", "cndx"), val = list("t", c(3:4)))

## Reset configuration

[Package tcpl version 3.1.0 Index]