Create Custom Taxonomies Based on the NCBI Taxonomy and GBIF Backbone Taxonomy

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Documentation for package ‘taxonbridge’ version 1.2.2

Help Pages

annotate Annotate a custom taxonomy
dedupe Remove duplicate scientific names in a taxonomy
download_gbif Download the GBIF backbone taxonomy
download_ncbi Download the NCBI taxonomy
fuzzy_search Match misspelled or partial scientific names
get_inconsistencies Detect candidate inconsistencies and ambiguity between NCBI and GBIF data
get_lineages Get entries that have lineage information for both the GBIF and NCBI data
get_status Filter a custom taxonomy by GBIF taxonomic status/synonym
get_taxa A helper function to filter on GBIF and NCBI taxa names
get_validity Validate entries of a merged taxonomy
load_population Load previously merged GBIF and NCBI taxonomies
load_sample Load an example of previously merged GBIF and NCBI taxonomies
load_taxonomies Load and merge GBIF and NCBI taxonomic data
plot_mdb Generic for plot_mdb methods
prepare_comparable_rank_dist Get comparable NCBI and GBIF taxonomic ranks
prepare_rank_dist Get all NCBI and GBIF taxonomic ranks
term_conversion Convert GBIF terms to NCBI terms