taxize-package | Taxonomic Information from Around the Web |
apg | Get APG names |
apgFamilies | Get APG names |
apgOrders | Get APG names |
apg_families | MOBOT family names |
apg_lookup | Lookup in the APGIII taxonomy and replace family names |
apg_orders | MOBOT order names |
as.boldid | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
as.boldid.boldid | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
as.boldid.character | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
as.boldid.data.frame | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
as.boldid.list | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
as.boldid.numeric | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
as.data.frame.boldid | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
as.data.frame.eolid | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
as.data.frame.gbifid | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
as.data.frame.iucn | Get a IUCN Redlist taxon |
as.data.frame.natservid | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
as.data.frame.nbnid | Get the UK National Biodiversity Network ID from taxonomic names. |
as.data.frame.pow | Get Kew's Plants of the World code for a taxon |
as.data.frame.tolid | Get the OTT id for a search term |
as.data.frame.tpsid | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
as.data.frame.tsn | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
as.data.frame.uid | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
as.data.frame.wiki | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
as.data.frame.wormsid | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
as.eolid | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
as.eolid.character | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
as.eolid.data.frame | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
as.eolid.eolid | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
as.eolid.list | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
as.eolid.numeric | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
as.gbifid | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
as.gbifid.character | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
as.gbifid.data.frame | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
as.gbifid.gbifid | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
as.gbifid.list | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
as.gbifid.numeric | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
as.iucn | Get a IUCN Redlist taxon |
as.iucn.character | Get a IUCN Redlist taxon |
as.iucn.data.frame | Get a IUCN Redlist taxon |
as.iucn.iucn | Get a IUCN Redlist taxon |
as.iucn.list | Get a IUCN Redlist taxon |
as.iucn.numeric | Get a IUCN Redlist taxon |
as.natservid | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
as.natservid.character | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
as.natservid.data.frame | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
as.natservid.list | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
as.natservid.natservid | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
as.natservid.numeric | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
as.nbnid | Get the UK National Biodiversity Network ID from taxonomic names. |
as.nbnid.character | Get the UK National Biodiversity Network ID from taxonomic names. |
as.nbnid.data.frame | Get the UK National Biodiversity Network ID from taxonomic names. |
as.nbnid.list | Get the UK National Biodiversity Network ID from taxonomic names. |
as.nbnid.nbnid | Get the UK National Biodiversity Network ID from taxonomic names. |
as.pow | Get Kew's Plants of the World code for a taxon |
as.pow.character | Get Kew's Plants of the World code for a taxon |
as.pow.data.frame | Get Kew's Plants of the World code for a taxon |
as.pow.list | Get Kew's Plants of the World code for a taxon |
as.pow.pow | Get Kew's Plants of the World code for a taxon |
as.tolid | Get the OTT id for a search term |
as.tolid.character | Get the OTT id for a search term |
as.tolid.data.frame | Get the OTT id for a search term |
as.tolid.list | Get the OTT id for a search term |
as.tolid.numeric | Get the OTT id for a search term |
as.tolid.tolid | Get the OTT id for a search term |
as.tpsid | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
as.tpsid.character | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
as.tpsid.data.frame | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
as.tpsid.list | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
as.tpsid.numeric | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
as.tpsid.tpsid | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
as.tsn | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
as.tsn.character | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
as.tsn.data.frame | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
as.tsn.list | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
as.tsn.numeric | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
as.tsn.tsn | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
as.uid | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
as.uid.character | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
as.uid.data.frame | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
as.uid.list | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
as.uid.numeric | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
as.uid.uid | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
as.wiki | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
as.wiki.character | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
as.wiki.data.frame | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
as.wiki.list | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
as.wiki.numeric | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
as.wiki.wiki | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
as.wormsid | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
as.wormsid.character | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
as.wormsid.data.frame | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
as.wormsid.list | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
as.wormsid.numeric | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
as.wormsid.wormsid | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
authentication | taxize authentication |
bold_downstream | Retrieve all taxa names downstream in hierarchy for BOLD |
bold_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
bold_search | Search Barcode of Life for taxonomic IDs |
cbind.classification | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
cbind.classification_ids | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
children | Retrieve immediate children taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
children.boldid | Retrieve immediate children taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
children.default | Retrieve immediate children taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
children.ids | Retrieve immediate children taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
children.tsn | Retrieve immediate children taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
children.uid | Retrieve immediate children taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
children.wormsid | Retrieve immediate children taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
class2tree | Convert a list of classifications to a tree. |
classification | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.boldid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.default | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.eolid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.gbifid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.ids | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.natservid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.nbnid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.pow | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.tolid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.tpsid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.tsn | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.uid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.wiki | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
classification.wormsid | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
col_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
comm2sci | Get scientific names from common names. |
comm2sci.default | Get scientific names from common names. |
comm2sci.tsn | Get scientific names from common names. |
comm2sci.uid | Get scientific names from common names. |
defunct | Defunct functions in taxize |
downstream | Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
downstream.boldid | Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
downstream.default | Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
downstream.gbifid | Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
downstream.ids | Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
downstream.tsn | Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
downstream.uid | Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
downstream.wormsid | Retrieve the downstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
eol_dataobjects | Given the identifier for a data object, return all metadata about the object |
eol_pages | Search for pages in EOL database using a taxonconceptID. |
eol_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
eol_search | Search for terms in EOL database. |
eubon_capabilities | EUBON capabilities |
eubon_children | EUBON children |
eubon_hierarchy | EUBON hierarchy |
eubon_search | EUBON taxonomy search |
fg_all_updated_names | Index Fungorum |
fg_author_search | Index Fungorum |
fg_deprecated_names | Index Fungorum |
fg_epithet_search | Index Fungorum |
fg_name_by_key | Index Fungorum |
fg_name_full_by_lsid | Index Fungorum |
fg_name_search | Index Fungorum |
fg_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
fungorum | Index Fungorum |
gbif_downstream | Retrieve all taxonomic names downstream in hierarchy for GBIF |
gbif_name_usage | Lookup details for specific names in all taxonomies in GBIF. |
gbif_parse | Parse taxon names using the GBIF name parser. |
gbif_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
genbank2uid | Get NCBI taxonomy UID from GenBankID |
getkey | Function to get API key. |
get_boldid | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
get_boldid_ | Get the BOLD (Barcode of Life) code for a search term. |
get_eolid | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
get_eolid_ | Get the EOL ID from Encyclopedia of Life from taxonomic names. |
get_gbifid | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
get_gbifid_ | Get the GBIF backbone taxon ID from taxonomic names. |
get_ids | Retrieve taxonomic identifiers for a given taxon name. |
get_ids_ | Retrieve taxonomic identifiers for a given taxon name. |
get_id_details | Details on get_*() functions |
get_iucn | Get a IUCN Redlist taxon |
get_natservid | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
get_natservid_ | Get NatureServe taxonomic ID for a taxon name |
get_nbnid | Get the UK National Biodiversity Network ID from taxonomic names. |
get_nbnid_ | Get the UK National Biodiversity Network ID from taxonomic names. |
get_pow | Get Kew's Plants of the World code for a taxon |
get_pow_ | Get Kew's Plants of the World code for a taxon |
get_tolid | Get the OTT id for a search term |
get_tolid_ | Get the OTT id for a search term |
get_tpsid | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
get_tpsid_ | Get the NameID codes from Tropicos for taxonomic names. |
get_tsn | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
get_tsn_ | Get the TSN code for a search term. |
get_uid | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
get_uid_ | Get the UID codes from NCBI for taxonomic names. |
get_wiki | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
get_wiki_ | Get the page name for a Wiki taxon |
get_wormsid | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
get_wormsid_ | Get Worms ID for a taxon name |
gni_details | Search for taxonomic name details using the Global Names Index |
gni_parse | Parse scientific names using EOL's name parser. |
gni_search | Search for taxonomic names using the Global Names Index |
gnr_datasources | Global Names Resolver Data Sources |
gnr_resolve | Resolve names using Global Names Resolver |
gn_parse | Parse scientific names using Global Names Parser |
id2name | Taxonomic IDs to taxonomic names |
id2name.boldid | Taxonomic IDs to taxonomic names |
id2name.default | Taxonomic IDs to taxonomic names |
id2name.gbifid | Taxonomic IDs to taxonomic names |
id2name.tolid | Taxonomic IDs to taxonomic names |
id2name.tsn | Taxonomic IDs to taxonomic names |
id2name.uid | Taxonomic IDs to taxonomic names |
id2name.wormsid | Taxonomic IDs to taxonomic names |
ion | ION - Index to Organism Names |
iplant_resolve | iPlant name resolution |
ipni_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
ipni_search | Search for names in the International Plant Names Index (IPNI). |
itis_acceptname | Retrieve accepted TSN and name |
itis_downstream | Retrieve all taxa names or TSNs downstream in hierarchy from given TSN. |
itis_getrecord | Get full ITIS record for one or more ITIS TSN's or lsid's. |
itis_hierarchy | ITIS hierarchy |
itis_kingdomnames | Get kingdom names |
itis_lsid | Get TSN from LSID |
itis_name | Get taxonomic names for a given taxonomic name query. |
itis_native | Get jurisdiction data, i.e., native or not native in a region. |
itis_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
itis_refs | Get references related to a ITIS TSN. |
itis_taxrank | Retrieve taxonomic rank name from given TSN. |
itis_terms | Get ITIS terms, i.e., tsn's, authors, common names, and scientific names. |
iucn_getname | Get any matching IUCN species names |
iucn_id | Get an ID for a IUCN listed taxon |
iucn_status | Extractor functions for 'iucn'-class. |
iucn_summary | Get a summary from the IUCN Red List |
key_helpers | Helpers to set up authentication for the different providers. |
lowest_common | Retrieve the lowest common taxon and rank for a given taxon name or ID |
lowest_common.default | Retrieve the lowest common taxon and rank for a given taxon name or ID |
lowest_common.gbifid | Retrieve the lowest common taxon and rank for a given taxon name or ID |
lowest_common.tolid | Retrieve the lowest common taxon and rank for a given taxon name or ID |
lowest_common.tsn | Retrieve the lowest common taxon and rank for a given taxon name or ID |
lowest_common.uid | Retrieve the lowest common taxon and rank for a given taxon name or ID |
names_list | Get a random vector of species names. |
nbn_classification | Search UK National Biodiversity Network database for taxonomic classification |
nbn_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
nbn_search | Search UK National Biodiversity Network |
nbn_synonyms | Return all synonyms for a taxon name with a given id from NBN |
ncbi_children | Search NCBI for children of a taxon |
ncbi_downstream | Retrieve all taxa names downstream in hierarchy for NCBI |
ncbi_get_taxon_summary | NCBI taxon information from uids |
ncbi_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
plantGenusNames | Vector of plant genus names from ThePlantList |
plantminer | Search for taxonomy data from Plantminer.com |
plantNames | Vector of plant species (genus - specific epithet) names from ThePlantList |
plot.classtree | Convert a list of classifications to a tree. |
pow_lookup | Lookup taxa in Kew's Plants of the World |
pow_search | Search Kew's Plants of the World |
pow_synonyms | Lookup synonyms in Kew's Plants of the World |
print.classtree | Convert a list of classifications to a tree. |
print.tax_agg | Aggregate species data to given taxonomic rank |
rankagg | Aggregate data by given taxonomic rank |
rank_ref | Lookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks |
rank_ref_zoo | Lookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks (WoRMS) |
rbind.classification | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
rbind.classification_ids | Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchy for a given taxon ID. |
resolve | Resolve names from different data sources |
sci2comm | Get common names from scientific names. |
sci2comm.default | Get common names from scientific names. |
sci2comm.iucn | Get common names from scientific names. |
sci2comm.tsn | Get common names from scientific names. |
sci2comm.uid | Get common names from scientific names. |
sci2comm.wormsid | Get common names from scientific names. |
scrapenames | Resolve names using Global Names Recognition and Discovery. |
species_plantarum_binomials | Species names from Species Plantarum |
status_codes | Get HTTP status codes |
synonyms | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms.default | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms.ids | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms.iucn | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms.nbnid | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms.pow | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms.tpsid | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms.tsn | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms.wormsid | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
synonyms_df | Retrieve synonyms from various sources given input taxonomic names or identifiers |
taxize | Taxonomic Information from Around the Web |
taxize-authentication | taxize authentication |
taxize-defunct | Defunct functions in taxize |
taxize-params | taxize parameters |
taxize_capwords | Capitalize the first letter of a character string. |
taxize_cite | Get citations and licenses for data sources used in taxize |
taxize_options | taxize options |
taxon-state | Last taxon state object from a get_* function call |
taxon_clear | Last taxon state object from a get_* function call |
taxon_last | Last taxon state object from a get_* function call |
tax_agg | Aggregate species data to given taxonomic rank |
tax_name | Get taxonomic names for a given rank |
tax_rank | Get rank for a given taxonomic name. |
theplantlist | Lookup-table for family, genus, and species names for ThePlantList |
tol_resolve | Resolve names using Open Tree of Life (OTL) resolver |
tpl_families | Get The Plant List families. |
tpl_get | Get The Plant List csv files. |
tpl_search | A light wrapper around the taxonstand fxn to call Theplantlist.org database. |
tp_accnames | Return all accepted names for a taxon name with a given id. |
tp_dist | Return all distribution records for for a taxon name with a given id. |
tp_refs | Return all reference records for for a taxon name with a given id. |
tp_search | Search Tropicos by scientific name, common name, or Tropicos ID. |
tp_summary | Return summary data a taxon name with a given id. |
tp_synonyms | Return all synonyms for a taxon name with a given id. |
tropicos_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
ubio_ping | uBio ping |
upstream | Retrieve the upstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
upstream.default | Retrieve the upstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
upstream.ids | Retrieve the upstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
upstream.tsn | Retrieve the upstream taxa for a given taxon name or ID. |
use_entrez | Helpers to set up authentication for the different providers. |
use_iucn | Helpers to set up authentication for the different providers. |
use_tropicos | Helpers to set up authentication for the different providers. |
vascan_ping | Ping an API used in taxize to see if it's working. |
vascan_search | Search the CANADENSYS Vascan API. |
worms_downstream | Retrieve all taxa names downstream in hierarchy for WORMS |
worrms_ranks | WORMS ranks |