tail |
Emulate dynamic branching. |
tar_active |
Show if the pipeline is running. |
tar_assert |
Assertions |
tar_assert_chr |
Assertions |
tar_assert_dbl |
Assertions |
tar_assert_df |
Assertions |
tar_assert_envir |
Assertions |
tar_assert_equal_lengths |
Assertions |
tar_assert_expr |
Assertions |
tar_assert_file |
Assertions |
tar_assert_finite |
Assertions |
tar_assert_flag |
Assertions |
tar_assert_function |
Assertions |
tar_assert_function_arguments |
Assertions |
tar_assert_ge |
Assertions |
tar_assert_identical |
Assertions |
tar_assert_in |
Assertions |
tar_assert_inherits |
Assertions |
tar_assert_int |
Assertions |
tar_assert_internet |
Assertions |
tar_assert_lang |
Assertions |
tar_assert_le |
Assertions |
tar_assert_lgl |
Assertions |
tar_assert_list |
Assertions |
tar_assert_match |
Assertions |
tar_assert_name |
Assertions |
tar_assert_named |
Assertions |
tar_assert_names |
Assertions |
tar_assert_nonempty |
Assertions |
tar_assert_nonmissing |
Assertions |
tar_assert_not_dir |
Assertions |
tar_assert_not_dirs |
Assertions |
tar_assert_not_expr |
Assertions |
tar_assert_not_in |
Assertions |
tar_assert_null |
Assertions |
tar_assert_nzchar |
Assertions |
tar_assert_package |
Assertions |
tar_assert_path |
Assertions |
tar_assert_positive |
Assertions |
tar_assert_scalar |
Assertions |
tar_assert_store |
Assertions |
tar_assert_target |
Assertions |
tar_assert_target_list |
Assertions |
tar_assert_true |
Assertions |
tar_assert_unique |
Assertions |
tar_assert_unique_targets |
Assertions |
tar_backoff |
Superseded: exponential backoff |
tar_branches |
Reconstruct the branch names and the names of their dependencies. |
tar_branch_index |
Integer branch indexes |
tar_branch_names |
Branch names |
tar_branch_names_raw |
Branch names (raw version) |
tar_call |
Identify the called 'targets' function. |
tar_cancel |
Cancel a target mid-execution under a custom condition. |
tar_canceled |
List canceled targets. |
tar_completed |
List completed targets. |
tar_condition |
Conditions |
tar_config_get |
Get configuration settings. |
tar_config_projects |
List projects. |
tar_config_set |
Set configuration settings. |
tar_config_unset |
Unset configuration settings. |
tar_config_yaml |
Read _targets.yaml. |
tar_crew |
Get crew worker info. |
tar_cue |
Declare the rules that cue a target. |
tar_definition |
For developers only: get the definition of the current target. |
tar_delete |
Delete target output values. |
tar_deparse_language |
Language |
tar_deparse_safe |
Language |
tar_deps |
Code dependencies |
tar_deps_raw |
Code dependencies (raw version) |
tar_described_as |
Select targets using their descriptions. |
tar_destroy |
Destroy the data store. |
tar_dispatched |
List dispatched targets. |
tar_edit |
Open the target script file for editing. |
tar_engine_knitr |
Target Markdown 'knitr' engine |
tar_envir |
For developers only: get the environment of the current target. |
tar_envvars |
Show 'targets' environment variables. |
tar_error |
Conditions |
tar_errored |
List errored targets. |
tar_exist_meta |
Check if target metadata exists. |
tar_exist_objects |
Check if local output data exists for one or more targets. |
tar_exist_process |
Check if process metadata exists. |
tar_exist_progress |
Check if progress metadata exists. |
tar_exist_script |
Check if the target script file exists. |
tar_format |
Define a custom target storage format. |
tar_github_actions |
Set up GitHub Actions to run a targets pipeline |
tar_glimpse |
Visualize an abridged fast dependency graph. |
tar_group |
Group a data frame to iterate over subsets of rows. |
tar_helper |
Write a helper R script. |
tar_helper_raw |
Write a helper R script (raw version). |
tar_interactive |
Run if Target Markdown interactive mode is on. |
tar_invalidate |
Delete one or more metadata records (e.g. to rerun a target). |
tar_language |
Language |
tar_load |
Load the values of targets. |
tar_load_everything |
Load the values of all available targets. |
tar_load_globals |
Load globals for debugging, testing, and prototyping |
tar_load_raw |
Load the values of targets (raw version). |
tar_make |
Run a pipeline of targets. |
tar_make_clustermq |
Superseded. Run a pipeline with persistent 'clustermq' workers. |
tar_make_future |
Superseded. Run a pipeline of targets in parallel with transient 'future' workers. |
tar_manifest |
Produce a data frame of information about your targets. |
tar_mermaid |
'mermaid.js' dependency graph. |
tar_message |
Conditions |
tar_message_run |
Conditions |
tar_message_validate |
Conditions |
tar_meta |
Read a project's metadata. |
tar_meta_delete |
Delete metadata. |
tar_meta_download |
download local metadata to the cloud. |
tar_meta_sync |
Synchronize cloud metadata. |
tar_meta_upload |
Upload local metadata to the cloud. |
tar_name |
Get the name of the target currently running. |
tar_network |
Return the vertices and edges of a pipeline dependency graph. |
tar_newer |
List new targets |
tar_noninteractive |
Run if Target Markdown interactive mode is not on. |
tar_objects |
List saved targets |
tar_older |
List old targets |
tar_option_get |
Get a target option. |
tar_option_reset |
Reset all target options. |
tar_option_set |
Set target options. |
tar_outdated |
Check which targets are outdated. |
tar_path_script |
Current target script path |
tar_path_script_support |
Directory path to the support scripts of the current target script |
tar_path_store |
Current data store path |
tar_path_target |
Identify the file path where a target will be stored. |
tar_pattern |
Emulate dynamic branching. |
tar_pid |
Get main process ID. |
tar_poll |
Repeatedly poll progress in the R console. |
tar_print |
Conditions |
tar_process |
Get main process info. |
tar_progress |
Read progress. |
tar_progress_branches |
Tabulate the progress of dynamic branches. |
tar_progress_summary |
Summarize target progress. |
tar_prune |
Remove targets that are no longer part of the pipeline. |
tar_prune_list |
List targets that 'tar_prune()' will remove. |
tar_read |
Read a target's value from storage. |
tar_read_raw |
Read a target's value from storage (raw version) |
tar_renv |
Set up package dependencies for compatibility with 'renv' |
tar_reprex |
Reproducible example of 'targets' with 'reprex' |
tar_resources |
Target resources |
tar_resources_aws |
Target resources: Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 storage |
tar_resources_clustermq |
Target resources: 'clustermq' high-performance computing |
tar_resources_crew |
Target resources: 'crew' high-performance computing |
tar_resources_custom_format |
Target resources for custom storage formats |
tar_resources_feather |
Target resources: feather storage formats |
tar_resources_fst |
Target resources: 'fst' storage formats |
tar_resources_future |
Target resources: 'future' high-performance computing |
tar_resources_gcp |
Target resources: Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Google Cloud Storage (GCS) |
tar_resources_network |
Target resources for network file systems. |
tar_resources_parquet |
Target resources: parquet storage formats |
tar_resources_qs |
Target resources: qs storage formats |
tar_resources_url |
Target resources: URL storage formats |
tar_script |
Write a target script file. |
tar_seed_create |
Create a seed for a target. |
tar_seed_get |
Get the random number generator seed of the target currently running. |
tar_seed_set |
Set a seed to run a target. |
tar_sitrep |
Show the cue-by-cue status of each target. |
tar_skipped |
List skipped targets. |
tar_source |
Run R scripts. |
tar_target |
Declare a target. |
tar_target_raw |
Define a target using unrefined names and language objects. |
tar_test |
Test code in a temporary directory. |
tar_throw_file |
Conditions |
tar_throw_run |
Conditions |
tar_throw_validate |
Conditions |
tar_tidyselect_eval |
Language |
tar_tidy_eval |
Language |
tar_timestamp |
Get the timestamp(s) of a target. |
tar_timestamp_raw |
Get the timestamp(s) of a target (raw version). |
tar_toggle |
Choose code to run based on Target Markdown mode. |
tar_traceback |
Get a target's traceback |
tar_unscript |
Remove target script helper files. |
tar_unversion |
Delete cloud object version IDs from local metadata. |
tar_validate |
Validate a pipeline of targets. |
tar_visnetwork |
visNetwork dependency graph. |
tar_warning |
Conditions |
tar_warn_deprecate |
Conditions |
tar_warn_run |
Conditions |
tar_warn_validate |
Conditions |
tar_watch |
Shiny app to watch the dependency graph. |
tar_watch_server |
Shiny module server for tar_watch() |
tar_watch_ui |
Shiny module UI for tar_watch() |
tar_workspace |
Load a saved workspace and seed for debugging. |
tar_workspaces |
List saved target workspaces. |