apply_cal {tagtools}R Documentation

Implement a calibration on tag sensor data


Given an appropriate set of calibration constants and information, this function will apply the calibration procedure to a tag sensor data set. Cal fields currently supported are: poly, cross, map, tcomp, tref


apply_cal(X, cal, Tempr = NULL)



A tag sensor data list, or a matrix or vector containing tag sensor data


A calibration list for the data in X from, for example, spherical_cal.


a tag sensor data list or a vector of temperature measurements for use in temperature compensation. If Tempr is not a sensor data list, it must be the same size and sampling rate as the data in X. Tempr is only required if there is a tcomp item in the cal list.


A tag sensor data structure (or a matrix or vector, if X was a matrix or vector) with the calibration implemented. Data size and sampling rate are the same as for the input data X, but units may have changed.


A_cal <- apply_cal(harbor_seal$A,spherical_cal(harbor_seal$A$data))

[Package tagtools version 0.2.0 Index]