a2pr |
Pitch and roll from acceleration |
absorption |
Calculates the absorption coefficient for sound in seawater |
acc_wgs84 |
Calculate total acceleration |
add_nc |
Save an item to a NetCDF or add one tag sensor or metadata variable to a NetCDF archive file. |
apply_cal |
Implement a calibration on tag sensor data |
beaked_whale |
Set of sensor lists for a beaked_whale |
block_acf |
Compute autocorrelation function |
block_mean |
Compute mean of sample blocks |
block_rms |
Compute RMS of sample blocks |
body_axes |
Generate the cardinal axes of an animal |
buffer |
Buffers a signal vector into matrix |
check_AM |
Compute field intensity of tag acceleration and magnetometer data. |
cline |
Add colored line segments to a plot |
col_line3 |
Plot coloured line(s) in 3 dimensions with plot_ly |
comp_filt |
Complementary filtering of a signal. |
crop |
Interactive data cropping tool. |
crop_all |
Reduce the time span of a dataset |
crop_to |
Reduce the time span of data |
csv2struct |
Read tag metadata from csv |
decdc |
Reduce the sampling rate |
decz |
Decimate sampling rate recursively. |
depth2pressure |
Convert depth to pressure |
depth_rate |
Estimate the vertical velocity |
detect_peaks |
Detect peaks in signal vector data |
dive_stats |
Compute summary statistics for dives or flights |
draw_axis |
Draw time axis on plott plot. |
dsf |
Estimate the dominant stroke frequency |
euler2rotmat |
Make a rotation (or direction cosine) matrix |
extract |
Extract a sub-sample of data |
extract_cues |
Extract multiple sub-samples of data |
find_dives |
Find time cues for dives |
fir_nodelay |
Delay-free filtering |
fit_tracks |
Integrate track with reference positions |
fix_offset_3d |
Estimate the offset in each axis |
fix_pressure |
Correct a depth or altitude profile |
get_researcher |
Find matching researcher in a list of known tag researchers |
get_species |
Find matching species in a list of marine mammals |
harbor_seal |
Set of sensor lists for a harbor seal |
hilbert_env |
Compute the envelope of X using Hilbert transform. Compute the envelope of the signal matrix X using the Hilbert transform. To avoid long transforms, this function uses the overlap and add method. |
hilbert_transform |
Return the Hilbert transform of a signal |
htrack |
Simple horizontal dead-reckoned track |
image_irreg |
Plot an image with an irregular grid. |
inclination |
Estimate the inclination angle |
interp2length |
Interpolate regularly sampled data to increase its sampling rate and match its length to another variable. |
interp_nan |
Remove NAs from sensor data and return indices of (rows of) filled values |
inv_axis |
Identify invariant axis in triaxial movement measurements. |
julian_day |
Convert between dates and Julian day numbers. |
lalo2llf |
Convert latitude-longitude track points into a local level frame |
load_nc |
Load a tag dataset from a netCDF file. |
m2h |
Heading from accelerometer and magnetometer data |
make_info |
Make an info structure with tag metadata |
make_specgram |
Plot a spectrogram with default settings |
mean_absorption |
Calculate the mean absorption in salt water |
median_filter |
Computes the nth-order median filter |
merge_fields |
Merge the fields of two lists |
metadata_editor |
Edits a html file from given csv. |
msa |
Compute MSA |
m_dist |
Calculate Mahalanobis distance |
njerk |
Compute the norm-jerk |
norm2 |
Compute the row-wise vector norm |
ocdr |
Estimate the forward speed |
odba |
Compute ODBA |
plott |
Plot tag data time series |
plott_base |
Plot tag data time series |
plott_static_panel |
Helper function for plott |
prh_predictor1 |
Predict the tag position on a diving animal from depth and acceleration data |
prh_predictor2 |
Predict the tag position on a diving animal from depth and acceleration data |
ptrack |
Estimate simple dead-reckoned track |
read_cats |
Read a CATS data file and convert to .nc |
read_cats_csv |
Read a CSV file with sensor data from a CATS tag |
rotate_data |
Rotate data. |
rotate_vecs |
Rotate triaxial vector measurements |
rotation_test |
Carry out a rotation randomization test. |
rotmat2euler |
Decompose a rotation (or direction cosine) matrix |
rough_cal_3d |
Estimate scale factors and offsets |
save_nc |
Save a tag dataset to a netCDF file. |
sens_struct |
Generate a sensor structure from a sensor data vector or matrix. |
smooth |
Low pass filter a time series |
sound_speed |
Sound speed estimation |
spectrum_level |
Compute the spectrum level of a signal x. |
speed_from_depth |
Estimate the forward speed of a diving animal |
spherical_cal |
Deduce the calibration constants |
tag2animal |
Tag-frame to animal-frame conversion |
tortuosity |
Measure tortuosity index |
track3D |
Reconstruct a track from pitch, heading and depth data, given a starting position |
undo_cal |
Undo calibrations steps |
zero_crossings |
Find zero-crossings in a vector |