SciViews - Manage GUIs in R

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Documentation for package ‘svGUI’ version 1.0.1

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$.gui A GUI object.
dontAsk Can we interrupt R to ask something to the user though the GUI?
dont_ask Can we interrupt R to ask something to the user though the GUI?
gui A GUI object.
guiAdd Creation and management of GUI objects.
guiAsk Creation and management of GUI objects.
guiAsk<- Creation and management of GUI objects.
guiChange Creation and management of GUI objects.
guiList Creation and management of GUI objects.
guiRemove Creation and management of GUI objects.
guiWidgets Creation and management of GUI objects.
guiWidgets<- Creation and management of GUI objects.
gui_add Creation and management of GUI objects.
gui_ask Creation and management of GUI objects.
gui_ask<- Creation and management of GUI objects.
gui_change Creation and management of GUI objects.
gui_list Creation and management of GUI objects.
gui_remove Creation and management of GUI objects.
gui_widgets Creation and management of GUI objects.
gui_widgets<- Creation and management of GUI objects.
is.gui A GUI object.
print.gui A GUI object.
setUI Set a property in the UI (User Interface), or start an action.
setUI.gui Set a property in the UI (User Interface), or start an action.
startUI Set a property in the UI (User Interface), or start an action.
startUI.gui Set a property in the UI (User Interface), or start an action.