Nonparametric Estimation of the Distribution of Gap Times for Recurrent Events

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Documentation for package ‘survivalREC’ version 1.1

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b3 b3
b3size b3size
b3state b3state
b3state2 b3state2
b4 b4
b4state b4state
Beran Estimation of the conditional distribution function of the response, given the covariate under random censoring.
bladder3 bladder3
bladder3state bladder3state
bladder4 bladder4
bladder4state bladder4state
bladder5 bladder5
bladder5state bladder5state
IPCWdf Inverse probability of censoring weighting estimator for the bivariate distribution function.
KM Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimate of survival
KMW Kaplan-Meier weights
KMW3df Kaplan-Meier Weighted estimator for three gap times distribution function.
KMWdf Kaplan-Meier Weighted estimator for the bivariate distribution function.
LDM3df Landmark estimator for three gap times distribution function.
LDMdf Landmark estimator for the bivariate distribution function
LIN3df Lin's estimator for three gap times distribution function.
LINdf Lin's estimator for the bivariate distribution function.
multidf Create a multidf object
NWW Nadaraya-Watson weights
plot.multidf Plot methods for a multidf object
WCH3df Weighted cumulative hazard estimator for three gap times distribution function.
WCHdf Weighted cumulative hazard estimator for the bivariate distribution function