Compares Cox and Survival Random Forests to Quantify Nonlinearity

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Documentation for package ‘survcompare’ version 0.1.2

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cox_calibration_stats Calibration stats of a fitted Cox PH model
linear_beta Auxiliary function for simulatedata functions
predict.survensemble Predicts event probability for a fitted survensemble
print.survcompare Print survcompare object
print.survensemble Prints trained survensemble object
print.survensemble_cv Prints survensemble_cv object
simulate_crossterms Simulated sample with survival outcomes with non-linear and cross-term dependencies
simulate_linear Simulated sample with survival outcomes with linear dependencies
simulate_nonlinear Simulated sample with survival outcomes with non-linear dependencies
srf_survival_prob_for_time Internal function to compute survival probability by time from a fitted survival random forest
summary.survcompare Summary of survcompare results
summary.survensemble Prints summary of a trained survensemble object
summary.survensemble_cv Prints a summary of survensemble_cv object
survcompare Cross-validates and compares Cox Proportionate Hazards and Survival Random Forest models
survcoxlasso_train Trains CoxLasso, using cv.glmnet(s="lambda.min")
survcox_cv Cross-validates Cox or CoxLasso model
survcox_predict Computes event probabilities from a trained cox model
survcox_train Trains CoxPH using survival package, or trains CoxLasso (cv.glmnet, lambda.min), and then re-trains survival:coxph on non-zero predictors
survensemble_cv Cross-validates predictive performance for Ensemble 1
survensemble_train Fits an ensemble of Cox-PH and Survival Random Forest (SRF) with internal CV to tune SRF hyperparameters.
survival_prob_km Calculates survival probability estimated by Kaplan-Meier survival curve Uses polynomial extrapolation in survival function space, using poly(n=3)
survsrf_cv Cross-validates SRF model
survsrf_predict Predicts event probability for a fitted SRF model
survsrf_train Fits randomForestSRC, with tuning by mtry, nodedepth, and nodesize. Underlying model is by Ishwaran et al(2008) Ishwaran H, Kogalur UB, Blackstone EH, Lauer MS. Random survival forests. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 2008;2:841–60.
survsrf_tune Internal function to tune SRF model, in nested CV loop
surv_brierscore Calculates time-dependent Brier Score
surv_validate Computes performance statistics for a survival data given the predicted event probabilities