arrival_rate |
Estimate arrival rate of a Poisson points process |
bernoulli_ARL |
Average Run Length for Bernoulli CUSUM |
bernoulli_control_limit |
Determine control limits for the Bernoulli CUSUM by simulation |
bernoulli_cusum |
Risk-adjusted Bernoulli CUSUM |
bernoulli_RL_cdf |
Cumulative distribution function (cdf) of Run Length for Bernoulli CUSUM |
bk_control_limit |
Determine control limits for BK-CUSUM by simulation |
bk_cusum |
Continuous time BK-CUSUM |
breast |
Survival after breast cancer surgery |
calc_risk |
Calculate the Cox Proportional hazards relative risk associated with the covariates of subjects |
cgr_control_limit |
Determine control limits for CGR-CUSUM by simulation |
cgr_cusum |
Continuous time Generalized Rapid response CUSUM (CGR-CUSUM) |
chaz_exp |
Exponential hazard, cumulative hazard and inverse cumulative hazard |
chaz_weib |
Weibull hazard, cumulative hazard and inverse cumulative hazard |
exp_hazards |
Exponential hazard, cumulative hazard and inverse cumulative hazard |
extract_hazard |
Extract (inverse) cumulative baseline hazard from Cox PH model |
funnel_plot |
Risk-adjusted funnel plot |
generate_units |
Generate units with specified failure rate |
gen_arriv_times |
Generate arrival times according to a Poisson point process |
gen_surv_times |
Generate survival times |
haz_exp |
Exponential hazard, cumulative hazard and inverse cumulative hazard |
haz_weib |
Weibull hazard, cumulative hazard and inverse cumulative hazard |
interactive_plot |
Plot a list of CUSUM charts (interactive) |
inv_chaz_exp |
Exponential hazard, cumulative hazard and inverse cumulative hazard |
inv_chaz_weib |
Weibull hazard, cumulative hazard and inverse cumulative hazard |
parameter_assist |
Assist users in parameter selection |
plot.bercusum |
Plot a quality control chart |
plot.bkcusum |
Plot a quality control chart |
plot.cgrcusum |
Plot a quality control chart |
plot.funnelplot |
Plot a quality control chart |
runlength |
Determine run length of a CUSUM chart |
runlength.bercusum |
Determine run length of a CUSUM chart |
runlength.bkcusum |
Determine run length of a CUSUM chart |
runlength.cgrcusum |
Determine run length of a CUSUM chart |
summary.funnelplot |
Summarizes S3 objects in this package. |
surgerydat |
Simulated data set with data of surgery procedures performed at multiple hospitals. |
weib_hazards |
Weibull hazard, cumulative hazard and inverse cumulative hazard |