Subtests Using Algorithmic Rummaging Techniques

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Documentation for package ‘stuart’ version 0.10.2

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stuart-package STUART: Subtests Using Algorithmic Rummaging Techniques
as.stuartFixedObjective Convert empirical to fixed objective.
bruteforce Subtest construction using a brute-force approach
combinations Compute the number of possible subtest combinations
crossvalidate Cross-Validate a Measurement Model
empiricalobjective Generate an empirical objective function for item selection.
fairplayer MTMM fairplayer Intervention Data (2009)
fixedobjective Generate a fixed objective function for item selection.
gene Subtest construction using a simple genetic algorithm
heuristics Generating heuristics for the use in STUART subtest construction
holdout Data selection for holdout validation.
kfold k-Folds Crossvalidation
mmas Subtest construction using the Max-Min-Ant-System
objectivematrices Generate matrix-components for objective functions.
randomsamples Generating random samples of Subtests
sia Data from a German Meaning of Work Scale.
stuart STUART: Subtests Using Algorithmic Rummaging Techniques
sups Data from a scale for Supervisor Support