calculatePeaks {strvalidator}R Documentation

Calculate Peaks


Calculates the number of peaks in samples.


  bins = c(0, 2, 3),
  labels = NULL,
  ol.rm = FALSE,
  by.marker = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE



data frame containing at least the columns 'Sample.Name' and 'Height'.


numeric vector containing the cut-off points defined as maximum number of peaks for all but the last label, which is anything above final cut-off. Must be sorted in ascending order.


character vector defining the group labels. Length must be equal to number of bins + one label for anything above the final cut-off.


logical if TRUE, off-ladder alleles 'OL' peaks will be discarded. if FALSE, all peaks will be included in the calculations.


logical if TRUE, peaks will counted per marker. if FALSE, peaks will counted per sample.


logical indicating printing debug information.


Count the number of peaks in a sample profile based on values in the 'Height' column. Each sample is labeled according to custom labels defined by the number of peaks. Peaks can be counted by sample or by marker within a sample. There is an option to discard off-ladder peaks ('OL'). The default purpose for this function is to categorize contamination in negative controls, but it can be used to simply calculating the number of peaks in any sample. NB! A column 'Peaks' for the number of peaks will be created. If present it will be overwritten. NB! A column 'Group' for the sample group will be created. If present it will be overwritten. NB! A column 'Id' will be created by combining the content in the 'Sample.Name' and 'File' column (if available). The unique entries in the 'Id' column will be the definition of a unique sample. If 'File' is present this allows for identical sample names in different batches (files) to be identified as unique samples. If 'Id' is present it will be overwritten.


data.frame with with additional columns 'Peaks', 'Group', and 'Id'.

[Package strvalidator version 2.4.1 Index]