Missing Data for Marked Hawkes Process

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Documentation for package ‘stpphawkes’ version 0.2.1

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stpphawkes-package Marked Hawkes Process with Missing Data
areapl Calculate area of polynomial
homog.STPP Simulate a homogenous space-time Poisson process
intensity_temporal Calculate intensity function for temporal Hawkes
mcmc_stpp Bayesian Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters
mcmc_stpp_nonunif Bayesian Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters with non uniform spatial locations
mcmc_temporal Bayesian Estimation of Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters
mcmc_temporal_catmark Bayesian Estimation of Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters with Categorical Marks
mcmc_temporal_contmark Bayesian Estimation of Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters with Categorical Marks
pip Point in polygon
ptinpoly Calculate if points are in the polynomial
simulate_hawkes_stpp Simulate homogenous spatio-temporal hawkes model
simulate_hawkes_stpp_nonunif Simulate inhomogenous spatio-temporal hawkes model
simulate_temporal Simulates a temporal Hawkes process with an exponential correlation function
stpp.mle MLE Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters
stpp.mle.nonunif MLE Estimation of Nonuniform Spatio-Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters
stpphawkes Marked Hawkes Process with Missing Data
temporal.catmark.mle MLE Estimation of Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters with Categorical Marks
temporal.mle MLE Estimation of Temporal Hawkes Model Parameters