get_session_cases {stortingscrape}R Documentation

Cases in specified session


A function for retrieving all cases treated in a specified parliamentary session.


get_session_cases(sessionid = NA, good_manners = 0, cores = 1)



Character string indicating the id of the parliamentary session to retrieve.


Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function


Integer. Number of cores (1 by default) to use in structuring the data. More than 1 will not work on windows


A data.frame with the following variables:

  1. $root (main data on the MP)

    response_date Date of data retrieval
    version Data version from the API
    treated_session_id Session the case was treated in
    document_group Document group the case belongs to
    reference Document reference
    id Case id
    com_req_id Committee recommendation id
    com_req_code Committee recommendation code
    title_short Short title of case
    case_filed_id Id of filed case
    last_update_date Date of last update on case
    status Status of the case
    title Full title of the case
    type Type of case
    session_id Session id of the case
    committee_id Responsible committee id
  2. $topics (named list by case id)

    is_main_topic Logical indication whether the topic is the main topic
    main_topic_id Id of the main topic for the case
    id Topic id
    name Topic name
  3. $proposers (named list by case id)

    rep_id Proposing MP id
    county_id County id of proposing MP
    party_id Party id of proposing MP
    rep_sub Logical indicator for whether MP is a substitute
  4. $spokespersons (data frame by case id)

    case_id Case id
    rep_id Spokesperson(s) MP id for the case
    county_id County id of spokesperson MP
    party_id Party id of spokesperson MP
    rep_sub Logical indicator for whether MP is a substitute

See Also

get_case get_vote


## Not run: 
s0506 <- get_session_cases("2005-2006")

## End(Not run)

[Package stortingscrape version 0.3.0 Index]