Access Data from the Norwegian Parliament API

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Documentation for package ‘stortingscrape’ version 0.3.0

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cases Storting cases in the 2019-2020 session
covid_relief Vote id 85196
covid_relief_result Vote id 85196 results
get_all_committees Parliamentary committees over all sessions
get_all_parties All parliamentary parties
get_case Retreive a parliamentary case
get_counties Get list of electoral districts
get_decision_votes Retreive vote decision for a specified vote
get_hearing_input Retrieve the hearing input for a specified hearing
get_hearing_program Retrieve the hearing program for a specified hearing
get_meeting_agenda Retreive agenda for a specified meeting
get_mp Extract information on specific MPs
get_mp_bio Extract biography of specific MPs
get_mp_pic Retrieve picture of specific MPs
get_parlperiods Get Parliamentary Periods
get_parlperiod_mps Get list of MPs in a given parliamentary period
get_parlperiod_presidency Get list of presidency in a given parliamentary period
get_parlsessions Get Parliamentary Sessions
get_proceedings All parliamentary proceedings
get_proposal_votes Retreive all votes for a specified vote proposal
get_publication Retrieve a specific publication
get_question Parliamentary question
get_question_hour Retrieve question hour details for a specified meeting
get_result_vote Retrieve vote results on MP level for a specified vote
get_session_cases Cases in specified session
get_session_committees Parliamentary committees in specified session
get_session_decisions Retrieve all decisions for a specified session
get_session_delegations Parliamentary delegations in specified session
get_session_hearings Retrieve hearings in specified session
get_session_meetings Retrieve all meetings for a specified parliamentary session
get_session_mp_speech_activity Retrieve all speech activity from one MP for a given session
get_session_parties Parliamentary parties in specified session
get_session_publications Retrieve publications of a type in a parliamentary session
get_session_questions Parliamentary questions in a session
get_topics Get list of topics and sub-topics for the Norwegian parliament
get_vote Retreive votes for a specific case
get_written_hearing_input Retrieve written input for a specified hearing
interp0203 Interpellations from the 2002-2003
mps4549 Members of parliament from the 1945-1949
parl_periods Parliamentary periods
parl_sessions Parliamentary sessions
read_obt Read Oslo-Bergen-Tagger processed files into R
vote Meta data on votes of case id 78686
vote_result Roll call vote results for vote ids 15404, 15405, and 15406