Statistical and Geometrical Tools

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Documentation for package ‘statisfactory’ version 1.0.4

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art Aligned rank transform of non-parametric data for further analysis using ANOVA
backTransPCA "Back-transform" PCA scores to their original values
countConnected Count number of contiguous "blocks" of cells
euclid Euclidean distance
fuzzyJaccard Fuzzy Jaccard index
geoMean Geometric mean
hist2d Two-dimensional histogram
histOverlap Count number of values in overlapping bins
invLogitAdj Inverse logit is robust to cases that equal 0 or 1
logitAdj A logit() function robust to values that equal 0 or 1
makeFormulae Make all possible formula
mmode Calculate the mode of numeric, character, or factor data
nagelR2 Nagelkerge's / Craig & Uhler's R2
psum Element-by-element sum
rankMulti A multivariate adaptation of the rank() function
rmsd Root-mean-square deviation (error)
sampleAcross Permute values across two vectors or columns in two data frames or matrices
sampleStrat Stratified randomization
se Standard error