plot.statcheck {statcheck}R Documentation

Plot method for statcheck


Function for plotting of statcheck objects. Reported p values are plotted against recalculated p values, which allows the user to easily spot if articles contain miscalculations of statistical results.


## S3 method for class 'statcheck'
plot(x, alpha = 0.05, APAstyle = TRUE, group = NULL, ...)



A statcheck object. See statcheck.


assumed level of significance in the scanned texts. Defaults to .05.


If TRUE, prints plot in APA style.


Indicate grouping variable to facet plot. Only works when APAstyle==TRUE


arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see par).


If APAstyle = FALSE, inconsistencies between the reported and the recalculated p value are indicated with an orange dot. Recalculations of the p value that render a previously non significant result (p >= .5) as significant (p < .05), and vice versa, are considered decision errors, and are indicated with a red dot. Exactly reported p values (i.e. p = ..., as opposed to p < ... or p > ...) are indicated with a diamond.


Many thanks to John Sakaluk who adapted the plot code to create graphs in APA style.

See Also



# First we need a statcheck object
# Here, we create one by running statcheck on some raw text

txt <- "This test is consistent t(28) = 0.2, p = .84, but this one is 
inconsistent: F(2, 28) = 4.2, p = .01. This final test is even a
gross/decision inconsistency: z = 1.23, p = .03"

result <- statcheck(txt)

# We can then plot the statcheck object 'result' by simply calling plot() on 
# "result". R will know what kind of plot to make, because "result" is of 
# class "statcheck"

[Package statcheck version 1.5.0 Index]