startup.options {startup}R Documentation

Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package


Below are environment variables and R options that are used by the startup package. The R_STARTUP_*** environment variables must be set before calling the startup::startup() function, that is, either (i) prior to launching R or (ii) in the ‘.Renviron’ file.

Controls whether startup is used or not

R_STARTUP_DISABLE / startup.disable:

(logical) If TRUE, startup::startup() is fully disable such that no.Renviron.d/’ or ‘.Rprofile.d/’ files are processed. Note: Files ‘.Renviron’ and ‘.Rprofile’ are still processed because these are out of control of the startup package. (Default: FALSE)

R_STARTUP_DRYRUN / startup.dryrun:

(logical) Controls the default value of argument dryrun of startup(). (Default: FALSE)

Additional customization of the startup process

R_STARTUP_FILE / startup.file:

(R script as a character string) Optional R script that is parsed and evaluated after ‘.Renviron.d/’ and ‘.Rprofile.d/’ files, and R_STARTUP_INIT code, have been processed, e.g. ⁠R_STARTUP_FILE="setup.R" R --quiet⁠. (Default: not specified)

R_STARTUP_INIT / startup.init:

(R code as a character string) Optional R code that is parsed and evaluated after ‘.Renviron.d/’ and ‘.Rprofile.d/’ files, but before R_STARTUP_FILE code, have been processed e.g. ⁠R_STARTUP_INIT="message('Hello world')" R --quiet⁠. The specified string must be parsable by base::parse(). (Default: not specified)

R_STARTUP_RDATA / startup.rdata:

(comma-separated values) Controls whether an existing ‘./.RData’ file should be processed or not. If "remove", it will be skipped by automatically removing it. If "rename", it will be renamed to ‘./.RData.YYYYMMDD_hhmmss’ where the timestamp is the last time the file was modified. If "prompt", the user is prompted whether they want to load the file or rename it. In non-interactive session, "prompt" will fallback to loading the content (default). To fallback to renaming the file, use "prompt,rename". Note that in contrast to R and ⁠R CMD BATCH file.R⁠, Rscript does not load ‘.RData’ files unless command-line option --restore is specified. (Default: not specified)

Controls what validation checks are performed at startup

R_STARTUP_CHECK / startup.check:

(logical) Controls the default value of argument check of startup(). (Default: TRUE)

R_STARTUP_CHECK_OPTIONS_IGNORE / startup.check.options.ignore:

(character vector or comma-separated character string) Names of R options that should not be validated at the end of the startup() process. (Default: "error")

Settings useful for debugging and prototyping

R_STARTUP_DEBUG / startup.debug:

(logical) Controls the default value of argument debug of startup(). (Default: FALSE)


(character vector) Overrides the command-line arguments that startup() uses, which can be useful to prototype and test alternative ways that R might be launched. (Default: base::commandArgs())

R_STARTUP_TIME / startup.time:

(POSIX timestamp; character string) Overrides the current timestamp, which can be useful to prototype and test functionalities that depend on the current time, e.g. inclusion and exclusion of files based on ⁠when=<periodicity>⁠ tags. The specified string must be parsable by base::as.POSIXct(). (Default: not specified)

[Package startup version 0.22.0 Index]