Friendly R Startup Configuration

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Documentation for package ‘startup’ version 0.21.0

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check Check for and fix common mistakes in .Rprofile
current_script Gets the pathname of the currently running startup script
install Install and uninstall support for .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d startup directories
is_ess Checks whether running R via Emacs Spekas Statistics (ESS) or not
is_microsoftr Checks if running R in Microsoft R Open
is_pqr Checks if running pqR (A Pretty Quick Version of R)
is_radian Checks whether running R via radian (formerly known as rtichoke and rice) or not
is_rstudio_console Checks if running R in RStudio Console or RStudio Terminal
is_wine Checks whether running R on Windows using Wine or not
on_session_enter Register functions to be evaluated at the beginning or end of the R session
on_session_exit Register functions to be evaluated at the beginning or end of the R session
renviron Load .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d directories during the R startup process
renviron_d Load .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d directories during the R startup process
reset_when_cache Reset all or parts of the "when" cache
restart Restarts R
rprofile Load .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d directories during the R startup process
rprofile_d Load .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d directories during the R startup process
R_STARTUP_CHECK Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
R_STARTUP_CHECK_OPTIONS_IGNORE Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
R_STARTUP_DEBUG Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
R_STARTUP_DISABLE Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
R_STARTUP_DRYRUN Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
R_STARTUP_FILE Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
R_STARTUP_INIT Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
R_STARTUP_RDATA Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
R_STARTUP_TIME Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup Load .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d directories during the R startup process
startup.check Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.check.options.ignore Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.commandArgs Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.debug Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.disable Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.dryrun Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.file Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.init Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.options Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.rdata Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup.time Options and environment variables used by the 'startup' package
startup_session_options Record R session information as options
sysinfo Information on the current R session
uninstall Install and uninstall support for .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d startup directories
warn Produce a warning