ssmrob-package |
Robust Estimation and Inference in Sample Selection Models |
coef.etregrob |
Extract Coefficients from Robust Endogenous Treatment Model Fit |
coef.heckit5rob |
Extract Coefficients from Robust Sample Selection Model Fit |
coef.heckitrob |
Extract Coefficients from Robust Sample Selection Model Fit |
dLambdadSM |
Inverse Mills Ratio Derivative |
dLambdadSM5 |
Inverse Mills Ratio Derivative |
etreg2steprobVcov |
Variance Covariance Matrix |
etregrob |
Robust Fit of Endogenous Treatment Model |
fitted.etregrob |
Fitted values of endogenous treatment model |
fitted.heckit5rob |
Fitted values of robust sample selection model |
fitted.heckitrob |
Fitted values of robust sample selection model |
heck2steprobVcov |
Variance Covariance Matrix |
heck5twosteprobVcov |
Variance Covariance Matrix |
heckit5rob |
Robust Heckit Fit: Switching Regressions |
heckitrob |
Robust Heckit Fit |
heckitrob.control |
Auxiliary for Controlling Robust Fitting |
MEPS2001 |
Ambulatory Expenditures Data |
MmatrM |
M Matrix |
model.matrix.etregrob |
Design Matrix of Endogenous Treatment Model |
model.matrix.heckit5rob |
Design Matrix of Switching Regression Model |
model.matrix.heckitrob |
Design Matrix of Sample Selection Model |
Wage Offer Data |
nobs.etregrob |
Number of Observations |
nobs.heckit5rob |
Number of Observations |
nobs.heckitrob |
Number of Observations |
print.etregrob |
Print a 'etregrob' Object |
print.heckit5rob |
Print a 'heckit5rob' Object |
print.heckitrob |
Print a 'heckitrob' Object |
print.summary.etregrob |
Print Function for 'summary.etregrob' |
print.summary.heckit5rob |
Print Function for 'summary.heckit5rob' |
print.summary.heckitrob |
Print Function for 'summary.heckitrob' |
PsiMest |
Score Function of the Mallows M-Estimator |
residuals.etregrob |
Residuals of Robust Endogenous Treatment Model Fit |
residuals.heckit5rob |
Residuals of Robust Sample Selection Model Fit |
residuals.heckitrob |
Residuals of Robust Sample Selection Model Fit |
ssmrob |
Robust Sample Selection Model |
summary.etregrob |
Summarizing Robust Fits of Endogenous Treatment Models |
summary.heckit5rob |
Summarizing Robust Fits of Sample Selection Models |
summary.heckitrob |
Summarizing Robust Fits of Sample Selection Models |
vcov.etregrob |
Extract Asymptotic Variance Covariance Matrix |
vcov.heckit5rob |
Extract Asymptotic Variance Covariance Matrix |
vcov.heckitrob |
Extract Asymptotic Variance Covariance Matrix |
x2weight.covMcd |
Robustness Weights |
x2weight.robCov |
Robustness Weights |