Spherical Principal Curves

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Documentation for package ‘spherepc’ version 0.1.7

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Cal.recon Calculating reconstruction error
Crossprod Crossproduct of vectors
Dist.pt The number of distinct points.
Earthquake Earthquake
Expmap Exponential map
ExtrinsicMean Finding Extrinsic Mean
GenerateCircle Generating circle on sphere
IntrinsicMean Finding Intrinsic Mean
Kernel.Gaussian Gaussian kernel function
Kernel.indicator Indicator kernel function
Kernel.quartic Quartic kernel function
Logmap Logarithm map
LPG Local principal geodesics
PGA Principal geodesic analysis
PrincipalCircle Principal circle on a sphere
Proj.Hauberg Projecting the nearest point
Rotate Rotating point on a sphere
Rotate.inv Rotating point on a sphere
SPC Spherical principal curves
SPC.Hauberg principal curves by Hauberg on a sphere
Trans.Euclid Transforming into Euclidean coordinate
Trans.sph Transforming into spherical coordinate