AddPlottingStuff | Add plotting variables |
BuildFeatureMatrix | Build a Feature matrix from the with speaq 2.0 processed data |
BuildRawDataMatrix | Build a raw data matrix (spectra) from spectra of unequal length |
BWR | BW ratio calculation |
createNullSampling | Building a null hypothesis data |
detectSpecPeaks | Peak detection for spectra |
dohCluster | CluPA function for multiple spectra. |
dohClusterCustommedSegments | Use CluPA for alignment with additional information |
doShift | Segment shift |
drawBW | BW and percentile ratios plot |
drawSpec | Spectral plot |
drawSpecPPM | Plot NMR spectra from a spectra data matrix |
findRef | Reference finding |
findSegPeakList | Selecting the peaks in a segment |
findShiftStepFFT | Finding the shift-step by using Fast Fourier Transform cross- correlation |
getWaveletPeaks | Convert raw NMR spectra to peak data by using wavelets |
GetWinedata.subset | Get subset of Winedata for code examples |
hclust.grouping | Grouping with hierarchical clustering (used in the PeakGrouper function) |
hClustAlign | CluPA function for two spectra. |
HMDBsearchR | Submit 1H NMR peaks to HMDB for compound search |
makeSimulatedData | Create a simulated NMR spectral data |
PeakFilling | Peak filling of any missed peaks |
PeakGrouper | Peak grouping with hierarchical clustering |
regroupR | Regroup faulty grouped peaks |
relevant.features.p | Identify features (columns in the datamatrix) which are significantly associated with the outcome. |
returnLocalMaxima | Local maximum detection |
ROIplot | Plot NMR spectra, together with raw and grouped peaks |
SCANT | SCAle, Normalize and Transform a data matrix |
SilhouetR | SilhouetR |
Winedata | Wine dataset |