Tools for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectra Alignment, Peak Based Processing, Quantitative Analysis and Visualizations

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Documentation for package ‘speaq’ version 2.7.0

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AddPlottingStuff Add plotting variables
BuildFeatureMatrix Build a Feature matrix from the with speaq 2.0 processed data
BuildRawDataMatrix Build a raw data matrix (spectra) from spectra of unequal length
BWR BW ratio calculation
createNullSampling Building a null hypothesis data
detectSpecPeaks Peak detection for spectra
dohCluster CluPA function for multiple spectra.
dohClusterCustommedSegments Use CluPA for alignment with additional information
doShift Segment shift
drawBW BW and percentile ratios plot
drawSpec Spectral plot
drawSpecPPM Plot NMR spectra from a spectra data matrix
findRef Reference finding
findSegPeakList Selecting the peaks in a segment
findShiftStepFFT Finding the shift-step by using Fast Fourier Transform cross- correlation
getWaveletPeaks Convert raw NMR spectra to peak data by using wavelets
GetWinedata.subset Get subset of Winedata for code examples
hclust.grouping Grouping with hierarchical clustering (used in the PeakGrouper function)
hClustAlign CluPA function for two spectra.
HMDBsearchR Submit 1H NMR peaks to HMDB for compound search
makeSimulatedData Create a simulated NMR spectral data
PeakFilling Peak filling of any missed peaks
PeakGrouper Peak grouping with hierarchical clustering
regroupR Regroup faulty grouped peaks
relevant.features.p Identify features (columns in the datamatrix) which are significantly associated with the outcome.
returnLocalMaxima Local maximum detection
ROIplot Plot NMR spectra, together with raw and grouped peaks
SCANT SCAle, Normalize and Transform a data matrix
SilhouetR SilhouetR
Winedata Wine dataset