generate_intraclass {sparsediscrim}R Documentation

Generates data from K multivariate normal data populations, where each population (class) has an intraclass covariance matrix.


This function generates K multivariate normal data sets, where each class is generated with a constant mean vector and an intraclass covariance matrix. The data are returned as a single matrix x along with a vector of class labels y that indicates class membership.


generate_intraclass(n, p, rho, mu, sigma2 = rep(1, K))



vector of the sample sizes of each class. The length of n determines the number of classes K.


the number of features (variables) in the data


vector of the values of the off-diagonal elements for each intraclass covariance matrix. Must equal the length of n.


vector containing the mean for each class. Must equal the length of n (i.e., equal to K).


vector of variances for each class. Must equal the length of n. Default is 1 for each class.


For simplicity, we assume that a class mean vector is constant for each feature. That is, we assume that the mean vector of the kkth class is ckjpc_k * j_p, where jpj_p is a p×1p \times 1 vector of ones and ckc_k is a real scalar.

The intraclass covariance matrix for the kkth class is defined as:

σk2(ρkJp+(1ρk)Ip),\sigma_k^2 * (\rho_k * J_p + (1 - \rho_k) * I_p),

where JpJ_p is the p×pp \times p matrix of ones and IpI_p is the p×pp \times p identity matrix.

By default, with σk2=1\sigma_k^2 = 1, the diagonal elements of the intraclass covariance matrix are all 1, while the off-diagonal elements of the matrix are all rho.

The values of rho must be between 1/(1p)1 / (1 - p) and 1, exclusively, to ensure that the covariance matrix is positive definite.

The number of classes K is determined with lazy evaluation as the length of n.


named list with elements:


# Generates data from K = 3 classes.
data <- generate_intraclass(n = 3:5, p = 5, rho = seq(.1, .9, length = 3),
                            mu = c(0, 3, -2))

# Generates data from K = 4 classes. Notice that we use specify a variance.
data <- generate_intraclass(n = 3:6, p = 4, rho = seq(0, .9, length = 4),
                            mu = c(0, 3, -2, 6), sigma2 = 1:4)

[Package sparsediscrim version 0.3.0 Index]