Solution Paths of Sparse High-Dimensional Support Vector Machine with Lasso or Elastic-Net Regularization

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Documentation for package ‘sparseSVM’ version 1.1-6

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sparseSVM-package Solution Paths for Sparse High-Dimensional Support Vector Machine with Lasso or Elastic-Net Regularization Model predictions based on "cv.sparseSVM" object.
coef.sparseSVM Model predictions based on "sparseSVM" object.
cv.sparseSVM Cross validation for sparseSVM Plot the cross-validation curve for a "cv.sparseSVM" object
plot.sparseSVM Plot coefficients from a "sparseSVM" object Model predictions based on "cv.sparseSVM" object.
predict.sparseSVM Model predictions based on "sparseSVM" object.
sparseSVM Fit sparse linear SVM with lasso or elasti-net regularization