get_SDA_property {soilDB}R Documentation

Get map unit properties from Soil Data Access


Get map unit properties from Soil Data Access


  method = c("Dominant Component (Category)", "Weighted Average", "Min/Max",
    "Dominant Component (Numeric)", "Dominant Condition", "None"),
  areasymbols = NULL,
  mukeys = NULL,
  top_depth = 0,
  bottom_depth = 200,
  include_minors = FALSE,
  miscellaneous_areas = FALSE,
  query_string = FALSE,
  dsn = NULL



character vector of labels from property dictionary tables (see details) OR physical column names from component or chorizon table.


one of: "Dominant Component (Category)", "Dominant Component (Numeric)", "Weighted Average", "MIN", "MAX", "Dominant Condition", or "None". If "None" is selected, the number of rows returned will depend on whether a component or horizon level property was selected, otherwise the result will be 1:1 with the number of map units.


vector of soil survey area symbols


vector of map unit keys


character containing SQL WHERE clause specified in terms of fields in legend or mapunit tables, used in lieu of mukeys or areasymbols. With aggregation method "NONE" the WHERE clause may additionally contain logic for columns from the component and chorizon table.


Default: 0 (centimeters); a numeric value for upper boundary (top depth) used only for method="Weighted Average", "Dominant Component (Numeric)", and "MIN/MAX"


Default: 200 (centimeters); a numeric value for lower boundary (bottom depth) used only for method="Weighted Average", "Dominant Component (Numeric)", and "MIN/MAX"


Optional: character representing SQL aggregation function either "MIN" or "MAX" used only for method="min/max"; this argument is calculated internally if you specify method="MIN" or method="MAX"


Include minor components in "Weighted Average" or "MIN/MAX" results? Default: TRUE


Include miscellaneous areas (non-soil components) in results? Default: FALSE. Now works with all method types)


Default: FALSE; if TRUE return a character string containing query that would be sent to SDA via SDA_query


Path to local SQLite database or a DBIConnection object. If NULL (default) use Soil Data Access API via SDA_query().


The property argument refers to one of the property names or columns specified in the tables below. Note that property can be specified as either a character vector of labeled properties, such as "Bulk Density 0.33 bar H2O - Rep Value", OR physical column names such as "dbthirdbar_r". To get "low" and "high" values for a particular property, replace the ⁠_r⁠ with ⁠_l⁠ or ⁠_h⁠ in the physical column name; for example property = c("dbthirdbar_l","dbthirdbar_r","dbthirdbar_h"). You can view exhaustive lists of component and component horizon level properties in the Soil Data Access "Tables and Columns Report".

Selected Component-level Properties

Property (Component) Column
Range Production - Favorable Year rsprod_h
Range Production - Normal Year rsprod_r
Range Production - Unfavorable Year rsprod_l
Corrosion of Steel corsteel
Corrosion of Concrete corcon
Drainage Class drainagecl
Hydrologic Group hydgrp
Taxonomic Class Name taxclname
Taxonomic Order taxorder
Taxonomic Suborder taxsuborder
Taxonomic Temperature Regime taxtempregime
Wind Erodibility Group weg
Wind Erodibility Index wei
t Factor tfact

Selected Horizon-level Properties

Property (Horizon) Column
0.1 bar H2O - Rep Value wtenthbar_r
0.33 bar H2O - Rep Value wthirdbar_r
15 bar H2O - Rep Value wfifteenbar_r
Available Water Capacity - Rep Value awc_r
Bray 1 Phosphate - Rep Value pbray1_r
Bulk Density 0.1 bar H2O - Rep Value dbtenthbar_r
Bulk Density 0.33 bar H2O - Rep Value dbthirdbar_r
Bulk Density 15 bar H2O - Rep Value dbfifteenbar_r
Bulk Density oven dry - Rep Value dbovendry_r
CaCO3 Clay - Rep Value claysizedcarb_r
Calcium Carbonate - Rep Value caco3_r
Cation Exchange Capacity - Rep Value cec7_r
Coarse Sand - Rep Value sandco_r
Coarse Silt - Rep Value siltco_r
Effective Cation Exchange Capacity - Rep Value ecec_r
Electrial Conductivity 1:5 by volume - Rep Value ec15_r
Electrical Conductivity - Rep Value ec_r
Exchangeable Sodium Percentage - Rep Value esp_r
Extract Aluminum - Rep Value extral_r
Extractable Acidity - Rep Value extracid_r
Fine Sand - Rep Value sandfine_r
Fine Silt - Rep Value siltfine_r
Free Iron - Rep Value freeiron_r
Gypsum - Rep Value gypsum_r
Kf kffact
Ki kifact
Kr krfact
Kw kwfact
LEP - Rep Value lep_r
Liquid Limit - Rep Value ll_r
Medium Sand - Rep Value sandmed_r
Organic Matter - Rep Value om_r
Oxalate Aluminum - Rep Value aloxalate_r
Oxalate Iron - Rep Value feoxalate_r
Oxalate Phosphate - Rep Value poxalate_r
Plasticity Index - Rep Value pi_r
Rock Fragments 3 - 10 inches - Rep Value frag3to10_r
Rock Fragments > 10 inches - Rep Value fraggt10_r
Rubbed Fiber % - Rep Value fiberrubbedpct_r
Satiated H2O - Rep Value wsatiated_r
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity - Rep Value ksat_r
Sodium Adsorption Ratio - Rep Value sar_r
Sum of Bases - Rep Value sumbases_r
Total Clay - Rep Value claytotal_r
Total Phosphate - Rep Value ptotal_r
Total Sand - Rep Value sandtotal_r
Total Silt - Rep Value silttotal_r
Unrubbed Fiber % - Rep Value fiberunrubbedpct_r
Very Coarse Sand - Rep Value sandvc_r
Very Fine Sand - Rep Value sandvf_r
Water Soluble Phosphate - Rep Value ph2osoluble_r
no. 10 sieve - Rep Value sieveno10_r
no. 200 sieve - Rep Value sieveno200_r
no. 4 sieve - Rep Value sieveno4_r
no. 40 sieve - Rep Value sieveno40_r
pH .01M CaCl2 - Rep Value ph01mcacl2_r
pH 1:1 water - Rep Value ph1to1h2o_r
pH Oxidized - Rep Value phoxidized_r


a data.frame with result


Jason Nemecek, Chad Ferguson, Andrew Brown


 # get 1/3 bar bulk density [0,25] centimeter depth weighted average from dominant component
 get_SDA_property(property = c("dbthirdbar_l","dbthirdbar_r","dbthirdbar_h"),
                  method = "Dominant Component (Numeric)",
                  areasymbols = "CA630",
                  top_depth = 0,
                  bottom_depth = 25)

[Package soilDB version 2.8.3 Index]