SDA_spatialQuery {soilDB} | R Documentation |
Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometry
Query SDA (SSURGO / STATSGO) records via spatial intersection with supplied geometries. Input can be SpatialPoints, SpatialLines, or SpatialPolygons objects with a valid CRS. Map unit keys, overlapping polygons, or the spatial intersection of geom
+ SSURGO / STATSGO polygons can be returned. See details.
what = "mukey",
geomIntersection = FALSE,
geomAcres = TRUE,
byFeature = FALSE,
idcol = "gid",
query_string = FALSE,
as_Spatial = getOption("soilDB.return_Spatial", default = FALSE)
geom |
an |
what |
a character vector specifying what to return. |
geomIntersection |
logical; |
geomAcres |
logical; |
db |
a character vector identifying the Soil Geographic Databases ( |
byFeature |
Iterate over features, returning a combined data.frame where each feature is uniquely identified by value in |
idcol |
Unique IDs used for individual features when |
query_string |
Default: |
as_Spatial |
Return sp classes? e.g. |
Queries for map unit keys are always more efficient vs. queries for overlapping or intersecting (i.e. least efficient) features. geom
is converted to GCS / WGS84 as needed. Map unit keys are always returned when using what = "mupolygon"
SSURGO (detailed soil survey, typically 1:24,000 scale) and STATSGO (generalized soil survey, 1:250,000 scale) data are stored together within SDA. This means that queries that don't specify an area symbol may result in a mixture of SSURGO and STATSGO records. See the examples below and the SDA Tutorial for details.
A data.frame
if what = 'mukey'
, otherwise an sf
object. A try-error
in the event the request cannot be made or if there is an error in the query.
Row-order is not preserved across features in geom
and returned object. Use byFeature
argument to iterate over features and return results that are 1:1 with the inputs. Polygon area in acres is computed server-side when what = 'mupolygon'
and geomIntersection = TRUE
D.E. Beaudette, A.G. Brown, D.R. Schlaepfer
See Also
## Not run:
if (requireNamespace("aqp") && requireNamespace("sf")) {
## query at a point
# example point
p <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(x = -119.72330,
y = 36.92204),
coords = c('x', 'y'),
crs = 4326)
# query map unit records at this point
res <- SDA_spatialQuery(p, what = 'mukey')
# convert results into an SQL "IN" statement
# useful when there are multiple intersecting records <- format_SQL_in_statement(res$mukey)
# composite SQL WHERE clause
sql <- sprintf("mukey IN %s",
# get commonly used map unit / component / chorizon records
# as a SoilProfileCollection object
# request that results contain `mukey` with `duplicates = TRUE`
x <- fetchSDA(sql, duplicates = TRUE)
# safely set texture class factor levels
# by making a copy of this column
# this will save in lieu of textures in the original
# `texture` column
horizons(x)$texture.class <- factor(x$texture, levels = SoilTextureLevels())
# graphical depiction of the result
color = 'texture.class',
label = 'compname',
name = 'hzname',
cex.names = 1,
width = 0.25,
plot.depth.axis = FALSE,
hz.depths = TRUE, = 'center-center')
## query mukey + geometry that intersect with a bounding box
# define a bounding box: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
# +-------------------(ymax, xmax)
# | |
# | |
# (ymin, xmin) ----------------+
b <- c(-119.747629, -119.67935, 36.912019, 36.944987)
# convert bounding box to WKT
bbox.sp <- sf::st_as_sf(wk::rct(
xmin = b[1], xmax = b[2], ymin = b[3], ymax = b[4],
crs = sf::st_crs(4326)
# results contain associated map unit keys (mukey)
# return SSURGO polygons, after intersection with provided BBOX
ssurgo.geom <- SDA_spatialQuery(
what = 'mupolygon',
db = 'SSURGO',
geomIntersection = TRUE
# return STATSGO polygons, after intersection with provided BBOX
statsgo.geom <- SDA_spatialQuery(
what = 'mupolygon',
db = 'STATSGO',
geomIntersection = TRUE
# inspect results
par(mar = c(0,0,3,1))
plot(sf::st_geometry(ssurgo.geom), border = 'royalblue')
plot(sf::st_geometry(statsgo.geom), lwd = 2, border = 'firebrick', add = TRUE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(bbox.sp), lwd = 3, add = TRUE)
x = 'topright',
legend = c('BBOX', 'STATSGO', 'SSURGO'),
lwd = c(3, 2, 1),
col = c('black', 'firebrick', 'royalblue'),
# quick reminder that STATSGO map units often contain many components
# format an SQL IN statement using the first STATSGO mukey <- format_SQL_in_statement(statsgo.geom$mukey[1])
# composite SQL WHERE clause
sql <- sprintf("mukey IN %s",
# get commonly used map unit / component / chorizon records
# as a SoilProfileCollection object
x <- fetchSDA(sql)
# tighter figure margins
par(mar = c(0,0,3,1))
# organize component sketches by national map unit symbol
# color horizons via awc
# adjust legend title
# add alternate label (vertical text) containing component percent
# move horizon names into the profile sketches
# make profiles wider
groups = 'nationalmusym',
label = 'compname',
color = 'awc_r',
col.label = 'Available Water Holding Capacity (cm / cm)',
alt.label = 'comppct_r', = 'center-center',
width = 0.3
'STATSGO (1:250,000) map units contain a lot of components!',
side = 1,
adj = 0,
line = -1.5,
at = 0.25,
font = 4
## End(Not run)