Spatial Misalignment: Interpolation, Linkage, and Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘smile’ version 1.0.5

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AI Areal Interpolation
ai Areal Interpolation
AIC.spm_fit Akaike's (and Bayesian) An Information Criterion for 'spm_fit' objects.
ai_var Areal Interpolation
BIC.spm_fit Akaike's (and Bayesian) An Information Criterion for 'spm_fit' objects.
find_phi Find phi parameter for the Exponential spatial auto-correlation function
fit_spm Fitting an underlying continuous process to areal data
fit_spm.spm Fitting an underlying continuous process to areal data
fit_spm2 Fitting an underlying continuous process to areal data
goodness_of_fit Akaike's (and Bayesian) An Information Criterion for 'spm_fit' objects.
liv_lsoa Liverpool Lower Super Output Area.
liv_msoa Liverpool Middle Super Output Area.
nl_ct Nova Lima census tracts
predict_spm Prediction over the same or a different set of regions (or points).
predict_spm.sf Prediction over the same or a different set of regions (or points).
predict_spm.spm_fit Prediction over the same or a different set of regions (or points).
sf_to_spm single 'sf' to 'spm'
single_sf_to_spm single 'sf' to 'spm'
smile smile: Spatial MIsaLignment Estimation
summary_spm_fit Summarizing 'spm_fit'
vdl Voronoi Data Linkage
vdl_var Voronoi Data Linkage - Single variable and variance