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The Berkeley Child Guidance Study
The Berkeley Child Guidance Study dataset contains longitudinal anthropometry data for 136 children from birth to 21 years.
A data frame with 4884 observations on the following 10 variables:
- id
factor with levels 201-278 male and 301-385 female
- age
years, numeric vector
- height
cm, numeric vector
- weight
kg, numeric vector
- stem.length
cm, numeric vector
- bi.acromial
cm, numeric vector
- bi.iliac
cm, numeric vector
- leg.circ
cm, numeric vector
- strength
lb, numeric vector
- sex
factor with level 1 male and level 2 female
The data are for 66 boys and 70 girls from Berkeley, California born in 1928-29 of north European ancestry, and followed from birth to 21 years. Measurements were at ages 0, 0.085, 0.25 to 2 (3-monthly), 2 to 8 (annually), and 8 to 21 (6-monthly) years.
The children were measured for height, weight (undressed), stem length, biacromial diameter,
bi-iliac diameter, leg circumference, and dynamometric strength.
The data were provided as an appendix to the book by Tuddenham and Snyder (1954),
and a few transcription errors are corrected here.
A further 19 errors in height and weight as reported in sitar
issue #7 are also now corrected.
The growth
dataset in the fda
package uses heights from the same study.
Tuddenham RD, Snyder MM. Physical growth of California boys and girls from birth to eighteen years. University of California Publications in Child Development 1954;1:183-364.
## frequencies of age of measurement for each variable
## weight and length/height from birth, other variables from 6-8 years
## few measurements after 18 years
. <- as.factor(berkeley$age)
plot(levels(.), summary(.), type='s', las=1,
xlab='age of measurement (years)', ylab='frequency of measurements')
points(levels(.), levels(.) < 0, pch=15)
for (i in 3:9) {
.. <- .[![, names(berkeley)[i]])]
lines(levels(..), summary(..), type='s', col=i)
legend('topright', names(berkeley)[c(3:9)], text.col=c(3:9), bty='n', inset=0.04)