Super Imposition by Translation and Rotation Growth Curve Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘sitar’ version 1.4.0

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sitar-package SITAR (SuperImposition by Translation And Rotation) growth curve analysis
AICadj Ways to compare SITAR models for fit
anova.sitar Compare Likelihoods of Fitted SITAR Objects
apv_se Bootstrap standard errors for SITAR peak velocity and age at peak velocity
berkeley The Berkeley Child Guidance Study
BICadj Ways to compare SITAR models for fit
bupdate Update the b fixed effect to minimise the b-c random effect correlation
cdc2000 The CDC 2000 growth reference
cLMS LMS conversion to and from z-scores
codeplot Plot and zap velocity outliers in growth curves
deren Deren prevalence data on child thinness, overweight and obesity
dfpower Tabulate BIC of SITAR models by degrees of freedom, fixed effects and xy power transformations
dfset Find degrees of freedom for a natural spline curve to minimise BIC or AIC
diffid Select equally spaced ages from a vector of ages
funcall Function call with optional inverse
getCovariate.sitar Extract elements of fitted SITAR models
getData.sitar Extract elements of fitted SITAR models
getL Ways to compare SITAR models for fit
getPeak Identify peak or trough on curve
getPeakTrough Identify peak or trough on curve
getTakeoff Identify peak or trough on curve
getTrough Identify peak or trough on curve
getVarCov.sitar Extract elements of fitted SITAR models
heights Serial heights measured in 12 girls
ifun Invert an expression defining a data transformation
iotf IOTF international body mass index reference
lines.sitar Plot SITAR model
LMS2z Convert to/from measurement from/to z-score with growth reference
LMSfit Estimate LMS curves from tabulated growth reference centiles
mplot Plot multiple growth curves
n_agegp Optimal design for growth reference centile studies
ob_convertr Convert between IOTF, WHO and CDC prevalence rates for child thinness, overweight and obesity
ob_convertr2 Convert between IOTF, WHO and CDC prevalence rates for child thinness, overweight and obesity
optimal_design Optimal design for growth reference centile studies
pdLMS Plot frequency distributions(s) for given L, M and S values in LMS method
plot.sitar Plot SITAR model
plotclean Plot multiple growth curves to identify outliers
plot_a Plot SITAR model
plot_c Plot SITAR model
plot_D Plot SITAR model
plot_d Plot SITAR model
plot_u Plot SITAR model
plot_V Plot SITAR model
plot_v Plot SITAR model
predict.sitar Predict SITAR model
print.sitar Print SITAR model
print.summary.sitar Print summary of SITAR model
recalib Recalibrate x, y data using SITAR random effects
sitar Fit SITAR growth curve model
subsample Sample from SITAR dataset
summary.sitar Create summary of SITAR model
timegap Select equally spaced ages from a vector of ages Select equally spaced ages from a vector of ages
uk90 UK 1990 growth reference
ukwhopt UK-WHO growth reference including preterm
ukwhoterm UK-WHO growth reference omitting preterm data
update.sitar Fit SITAR growth curve model
varexp Ways to compare SITAR models for fit
velout Identify outliers with abnormal velocity in growth curves
who06 The WHO 2006 growth standard
who0607 The WHO 2006 growth standard and WHO 2007 growth reference
xaxsd Par args xaxs and yaxs option d
xyadj Adjust x and y variables for SITAR random effects
yaxsd Par args xaxs and yaxs option d
z2cent Express z-scores as centile character strings for plotting
zapvelout Plot and zap velocity outliers in growth curves
zLMS LMS conversion to and from z-scores