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Documentation for package ‘sisireg’ version 1.1.1

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axe Data model for the AxE-Model (Axiomatic Econometric Modeling Paradigm)
axe_narch_model implementation of the AxE model based on the ssr-MLP
axe_narch_predict Prediction function for the AxE-NARCH model
fii_model Factor-wise Influence Indicator (Model-fii) for a given ssrmlp model
fii_prediction Factor-wise Influence Indicator (Prediction-fii) for a given ssrmlp model regarding a given input vector
onnx_load Loading a ssrmlp model from ONNX file
onnx_save Saving a ssrmlp model in onnx format to file
psplot Partial Sum Plot
psplot3d Partial Sum Plot for 2-dimensional coordinates
psplotnd Partial Sum Plot for the multidimensional coordinates
psvalid Partial Sum Validity Check
runvalid Maximum Run Validity Check
snarch S-NARCH Model
ssr Onedimensional SSR-model calculation
ssr3d 3-dimensional SSR model
ssr3d_predict 3-dimensional SSR model prediction
ssrmlp_predict Prediction function for the ssrMLP
ssrmlp_train 2-layer MLP with partial sum optimization
ssrnd Multi-dimensional SSR model
ssrnd_predict Prediction function for the multi-dimensional SSR model
ssr_predict SSR model Prediction
tauM Trend-based Correlation