Conditional Least Squared (CLS) Method for the Model SINAR(1,1)

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Documentation for package ‘sinar’ version 0.1.0

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carabidae Counts of arthropods in a grid-sampled wheat field
cls Conditional least square estimates for a SINAR(1,1) process.
emp_cov Empirical estimate for the Covariance matrix in the Klimko-Nelson.
emp_V Empirical estimate for the matrix V in the Klimko-Nelson.
emp_W Empirical estimate for the matrix W in the Klimko-Nelson.
nematodes A matrix of counting data with 15 rows and 15 columns.
sinar_pois Simulating SINAR(1,1) process with innovations from a poison distribution.
teo_V Compute the value of matrix V using the coefficients.
var_hat_sigma Variance of standard deviation of epsilon.
var_sinar Empirical estimate for the variance of innovations.