Clinical Trial Simulation

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Documentation for package ‘simtrial’ version 0.3.2

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counting_process Process survival data into counting process format
cut_data_by_date Cut a dataset for analysis at a specified date
cut_data_by_event Cut a dataset for analysis at a specified event count
early_zero_weight Zero early weight for weighted logrank tests
ex1_delayed_effect Time-to-event data example 1 for non-proportional hazards working group
ex2_delayed_effect Time-to-event data example 2 for non-proportional hazards working group
ex3_cure_with_ph Time-to-event data example 3 for non-proportional hazards working group
ex4_belly Time-to-event data example 4 for non-proportional hazards working group
ex5_widening Time-to-event data example 5 for non-proportional hazards working group
ex6_crossing Time-to-event data example 6 for non-proportional hazards working group
fh_weight Fleming-Harrington weighted logrank tests
fit_pwexp Piecewise exponential survival estimation
get_analysis_date Get the analysis date under multiple conditions
get_cut_date_by_event Get date at which an event count is reached
mb_delayed_effect Simulated survival dataset with delayed treatment effect
mb_weight Magirr and Burman modestly weighted logrank tests
pvalue_maxcombo MaxCombo p-value
randomize_by_fixed_block Permuted fixed block randomization
rpwexp The piecewise exponential distribution
rpwexp_enroll Generate piecewise exponential enrollment
sim_fixed_n Simulation of fixed sample size design for time-to-event endpoint
sim_pw_surv Simulate a stratified time-to-event outcome randomized trial
to_sim_pw_surv Convert enrollment and failure rates from 'sim_fixed_n()' to 'sim_pw_surv()' format