parms {simecol}R Documentation

Accessor Functions for ‘simObj’ Objects


Get or set simulation model parameters, main or sub-equations, initial values, time steps or solvers and extract simulation results.


parms(obj, ...)
parms(obj) <- value

main(obj, ...)
main(obj) <- value

equations(obj, ...)
equations(obj) <- value

init(obj, ...)
init(obj) <- value

inputs(obj, ...)
inputs(obj) <- value

times(obj, ...)
times(obj) <- value

solver(obj, ...)
solver(obj) <- value

#observer(obj, ...)
#observer(obj) <- value

initfunc(obj, ...)
initfunc(obj) <- value

out(obj, ...)
out(obj) <- value



A valid simObj instance.


Named list, vector, function or other data structure (depending on the slot and model class) with the same structure as the value returned by parms. Either all or a subset of values (e.g. single elements of vectors or lists) can be changed at once.


Reserved for method consistency.


These are the accessing functions for parms, times etc.

Please take care of the semantics of your model when changing slots. All, element names, data structure and values have to correspond to you model object definition. For example in init the applied names must exactly correspond to the names and number (!) of state variables. The restrictions of parms or equations are less strict (additional values for “future use” are allowed).

The function times allows either to assign or to modify a special vector with three elements named from, to and by or to overwrite times with an un-named sequence (e.g. seq(1, 100, 0.1).

To ensure object consistency function out cannot assign arbitrary values. It can only extract or delete the contents (by assigning NULL) of the out-slot.


A list, named vector, matrix or function (for main slot) or list of functions (equation slot) or other appropriate data structure depending on the class of the model object.

See Also

General explanation of the slots can be found in simecol-package.

Usage of the observer slot is found in the special help file observer.


parms(lv)       <- c(k1 = 0.2, k2 = 0.5, k3 = 0.3)
parms(lv)["k2"] <- 0.5

parms(conway)$srv <- c(2, 2)

## add a new named parameter value
parms(lv)["dummy"] <- 1
## remove dummy parameter
parms(lv) <- parms(lv)[names(parms(lv)) != "dummy"]

## simulation and extraction of outputs
lv <- sim(lv)
o <- out(lv)

## remove outputs from object
out(lv) <- NULL

## store object persistently to the disk
## Not run: 
save(lv, file = "lv.Rdata")           # in binary form
dput(as.list(lv), file = "lv-list.R") # in text form

## End(Not run)

[Package simecol version 0.8-14 Index]