Simultaneous Inference for Diversity Indices

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Documentation for package ‘simboot’ version 0.2-8

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simboot-package Simultaneous inference for diversity indices.
asht Internal function for simultaneous asymptotic intervals
Bacteria Relative Abundances of Soil Bacteria
Boutrp Internal function
CCdrp Internal function
contrMat Contrast Matrices
corrmatgen Internal function.
estShannon Estimator for Shannon's index
estShannonf Estimator for Shannon's index odered by a factorial variable f.
estShannonWY Estimator for Shannon's index row wise.
estSimpson Estimator for Simpson's index
estSimpsonf Estimator for Simpson's index odered by a factorial variable f.
estThetaRow Internal function
mcpHill Multiplicity-adjusted p-values for comparing biodiversity via simultaneous inference of a user-defined selection of diversity indices
predatGM Abundance data of predatory insects
rpht Internal function for simultaneous bayesian bootstrap intervals
saproDipGM Abundance data of Diptera with saprophagous larvae
sbdiv Perform simultaneous confidence intervals or adjusted p-values for the Shannon and the Simpson index.
SCIrp Internal function
simboot Simultaneous inference for diversity indices.
Simpson Internal function for Simpson estimator
tsht Internal function for simultaenous bootstrap intervals
waldci Internal function for Wald intervals
WYht Internal function for simultaneous bootstrap confidence intervals