Find Clinical Trial Sites Under-Reporting Adverse Events

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Documentation for package ‘simaerep’ version 0.5.0

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aggr_duplicated_visits Aggregate duplicated visits.
check_df_visit Integrity check for df_visit.
eval_sites Evaluate sites.
eval_sites_deprecated Evaluate sites.
exp_implicit_missing_visits Expose implicitly missing visits.
get_config Get Portfolio Configuration
get_ecd_values Get empirical cumulative distribution values of pval or prob_lower
get_pat_pool_config Configure study patient pool by site parameters.
get_portf_perf Get Portfolio Performance
get_site_mean_ae_dev Get site mean ae development.
get_visit_med75 Get visit_med75.
is_orivisit is orivisit class
is_simaerep is simaerep class
orivisit create orivisit object
pat_aggr Aggregate visit to patient level.
pat_pool Create a study specific patient pool for sampling
plot.simaerep plot AE under-reporting simulation results
plot_dots Plots AE per site as dots.
plot_sim_example Plot simulation example.
plot_sim_examples Plot multiple simulation examples.
plot_study Plot ae development of study and sites highlighting at risk sites.
plot_visit_med75 Plot patient visits against visit_med75.
poiss_test_site_ae_vs_study_ae Poisson test for vector with site AEs vs vector with study AEs.
prep_for_sim Prepare data for simulation.
prob_lower_site_ae_vs_study_ae Calculate bootstrapped probability for obtaining a lower site mean AE number.
purrr_bar Execute a purrr or furrr function with a progress bar.
simaerep create simaerep object
sim_after_prep Start simulation after preparation.
sim_scenario simulate single scenario
sim_sites Calculate prob_lower and poisson.test pvalue for study sites.
sim_studies Simulate studies.
sim_test_data_patient simulate patient ae reporting test data
sim_test_data_portfolio Simulate Portfolio Test Data
sim_test_data_study simulate study test data
sim_ur_scenarios Simulate Under-Reporting Scenarios
site_aggr Aggregate from visit to site level.
with_progress_cnd Conditional 'with_progress'.