MinMaxLines {simPH}R Documentation

Transform the simulation object to include only the min and max of the constricted intervals, as well as the lower and upper bounds of the middle 50 percent of the constricted intervals


MinMaxLines is an internal function to transform the simulation object to include only the min and max of the intervals set by ci in the coxsim command, as well as the lower and upper bounds of the middle 50 percent of these intervals. It also returns the medians.


MinMaxLines(df, byVars = "Xj", hr = FALSE, strata = FALSE, clean = FALSE)



a data frame or a simulation class object.


character vector of the variables to subset the data frame by. The default is 'Xj'.


logical indicating whether or not df contains a hazard rate.


logical indicating whether or not df contains a stratified hazard rate.


logical, whether or not to clean up the output data frame to only include byVars, Min_CI, Lower50_CI, median, Upper50_CI, Max_CI.


# Load Carpenter (2002) data

# Load survival package

# Run basic model
M1 <- coxph(Surv(acttime, censor) ~ prevgenx + lethal +
           deathrt1 + acutediz + hosp01  + hhosleng +
           mandiz01 + femdiz01 + peddiz01 + orphdum +
           vandavg3 + wpnoavg3 + condavg3 + orderent +
           stafcder, data = CarpenterFdaData)

 # Simulate Hazard Ratios
 Sim1 <- coxsimLinear(M1, b = "stafcder",
                      Xj = c(1237, 1600),
                      Xl = c(1000, 1000),
                      qi = "Hazard Ratio",
                      spin = TRUE, ci = 0.99)

# Find summary statistics of the constricted interval
Sum <- MinMaxLines(Sim1, clean = TRUE)

[Package simPH version 1.3.13 Index]