Simulate and Plot Estimates from Cox Proportional Hazards Models

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Documentation for package ‘simPH’ version 1.3.13

Help Pages Convert a coxsim class object into a data frame
CarpenterFdaData A data set from Carpenter (2002).
coxsimInteract Simulate quantities of interest for linear multiplicative interactions from Cox Proportional Hazards models
coxsimLinear Simulate quantities of interest for covariates from Cox Proportional Hazards models that are not interacted with time or nonlinearly transformed
coxsimPoly Simulate quantities of interest for a range of values for a polynomial nonlinear effect from Cox Proportional Hazards models
coxsimSpline Simulate quantities of interest for penalized splines from Cox Proportional Hazards models
coxsimtvc Simulate time-interactive quantities of interest from Cox Proportional Hazards models
ggfitStrata Graph fitted stratified survival curves from Cox Proportional Hazards models
GolubEUPData A data set from Golub & Steunenberg (2007)
hmohiv Simulated HIV patient data from UCLA IDRE
MinMaxLines Transform the simulation object to include only the min and max of the constricted intervals, as well as the lower and upper bounds of the middle 50 percent of the constricted intervals
setXl Create a sequence of Xl values
simGG A method for plotting simulation objects created by simPH
simGG.siminteract Plot simulated linear multiplicative interactions from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
simGG.simlinear Plot simulated linear, non-time interacted quantities of interest from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
simGG.simpoly Plot simulated polynomial quantities of interest from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
simGG.simspline Plot simulated penalised spline hazards from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
simGG.simtvc Plot simulated time-interactive hazard ratios or stratified time-interactive hazard rates from Cox Proportional Hazards Models
simPH An R package for simulating and plotting quantities of interest from Cox Proportional Hazard models.
SurvExpand Convert a data frame of non-equal interval continuous observations into equal interval continuous observations
tvc Create a time interaction variable