sim_Y_Binary_X {sim2Dpredictr} | R Documentation |
Simulate Scalar Outcomes from Simulated Spatially Dependent Binary Predictors
N spatially dependent binary design vectors are simulated using
. These design vectors are used to then simulate
scalar outcomes that have one of Gaussian, Binomial, or Poisson
rand.err = 1,
incl.subjectID = TRUE,
binomial.method = "traditional",
count.method = "traditional",
Y.thresh = NULL,
print.out = FALSE,
xlim = c(0, 1),
ylim = c(0, 1),
radius.bounds = c(0.02, 0.1),
lambda = 50,
random.lambda = FALSE, = 10,
lambda.bound = NULL,
prior = "gamma",
sub.area = FALSE, = c(0.1, 0.1), = c(0.3, 0.3), = c(0.02, 0.05), = c(0.08, 0.15), = FALSE,
print.lambda = FALSE,
print.iter = FALSE
N |
A scalar value determining the number of images to create.
B |
A vector parameter values; i.e. "betas". Note that
length(B) must equal p + 1 = n.row * n.col + 1 ; e.g. for
normal outcomes Y=XB+e with Y a scalar outcome and
e the random error.
rand.err |
A scalar for the random error variance when
dist = "gaussian" .
dist |
The distribution of the scalar outcome.
dist = "gaussian" has Y=XB+e , where
e N(0,rand.err) .
dist = "binomial" is drawn from eqnBin(XB, XB(1-XB))
using rbinom() when binary.method = "Traditional" . If
binary.method = "Gaussian" , then simulation is based on a
cutoff using binary.cutoff .
dist = "poisson" is drawn from Poisson(XB) using
rpois() .
incl.subjectID |
When incl.subjectID = TRUE a column of subject
indices is generated.
Y.thresh = NULL (default). If binomial.method = "gaussian manual" ,
then Y.thresh should be any scalar real number; values equal or
above this cutoff are assigned 1 and values below are assigned 0.
If binomial.method = "gaussian percentile" , then values equal or
above this percentile are assigned 1, and other wise 0; in this case values
should be between 0 and 1. For example, if Y.thresh = 0.9 , then the
cutoff is the 90th percentile.
binomial.method |
One of c("traditional", "gaussian manual",
"gaussian percentile") . Only specified when dist = "binomial" ,
and determines whether draws are directly taken from a binomial
distribution or if draws are taken from a Multivariate Normal
Distribution (in the manner of dist = "gaussian" ) and thresholds
imposed to binarize the outcomes. binomial.method = "gaussian manual"
allows the user to specify specific values for categorizing outcomes.
binomial.method = "gaussian percentile" allows the user to specify
percentiles for binarizing the data. Both approaches use Y.thresh
to specify the cutoff value(s). If binomial.method = "gaussian percentile"
and Y.thresh = NULL then the median is used as the threshold. If
binomial.method = "gaussian manual" and Y.thresh = NULL , then
0 is used as the threshold. Default is binomial.method = "traditional" .
count.method |
One of c("traditional", "rounding") . When
count.method = "traditional" , the outcomes are drawn sequentially
using rpois() . When count.method = "traditional" , the
outcomes are drawn from an MVN, then values less than or equal to 0 are
set to 0, and all other values are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Y.thresh |
When binomial.method = "traditional"
print.out |
If print.out = TRUE then print the following for
each subject, indexed y:
This is useful to see the effect of image parameter selection and beta
parameter selection on distributional parameters for the outcome of
xlim , ylim |
These are the 2D image limits. Defaults for both are
c(0, 1) . It is not recommended to alter these arguments unless
changing the limits has a specific practical utility.
im.res |
A vector specifying the dimension/resolution of the image.
The first entry is the number of 'rows' in the lattice/image, and the
second entry is the number of columns' in the lattice/image.
radius.bounds |
A 2-element vector whose first and second entries
determine the minimum and maximum radius sizes, respectively; these will
be the bounds of the uniform distribution used to draw the radii. If
sub.area = TRUE , then use and .
lambda |
A scalar value specifying the mean/intensity value of the
Poisson process. If random.lambda = FALSE then this is the parameter
used to generate the binary image for each subject. If
random.lambda = TRUE , then this is the mean parameter in the
distribution used to draw subject-specific lambda.
random.lambda |
random.lambda = TRUE allows the lambda
(mean/intensity) parameter in the Poisson process to vary randomly by
| |
Only utilized when random.lambda = TRUE , and
specifies the standard deviation in the distribution used to draw
subject-specific lambda.
lambda.bound |
Only utilized when random.lambda = TRUE , and
allows the user to specify a lower and upper bound for the subject-specific
lambda; if the randomly selected value is outside of this range, then
another draw is taken. This continues until a value is selected within the
specified bounds. If no bounds are desired then specify
lambda.bound = NULL .
prior |
Only utilized when random.lambda = TRUE , and specifies
the distribution from which to draw the subject-specific lambda.
Options are c("gaussian", "gamma") .
sub.area |
When sub.area = TRUE , a random sub-section of the
image is chosen, within which the Poisson process is used to generate the
binary image.
| , |
Only utilized when sub.area = TRUE , and
determines the width and height of the minimum and maximum sub-areas;
e.g., if = c(0.1, 0.1) , then the smallest possible random
sub-area is a 0.1 x 0.1 square.
| , |
Only utilized when
sub.area = TRUE , and specifies radius.bounds for the minimum
and maximum sub-areas, respectively. This information is used to adaptively
alter the bounds in between the minimum and maximum sub-areas.
| , print.lambda , print.iter |
These arguments are either
TRUE or FALSE , and define print options for checking that the
function is working as the user intends. = TRUE prints
the x-and y-limits for each subject's sub-area. print.lambda = TRUE
prints each subject's mean and realized events; the means will be the same
unless random.lambda = TRUE , but the number of realized events will
always vary. print.iter = TRUE is only used when
random.lambda = TRUE and is.null(lambda.bound) = FALSE , and
shows iterations for re-drawing when the randomly selected intensity is
outside the specified bounds.
A data frame where each row consists of a single subject's data.
Col 1 is the outcome, Y, and each successive column contains the subject
predictor values.
Careful parameter selection, i.e. B
, is necessary to ensure
that simulated outcomes are reasonable; in particular, counts arising from
the Poisson distribution can be unnaturally large.
Cressie N, Wikle CK (2011).
Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics.
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Ripley BD (1987).
Stochastic Simulation.
John Wiley & Sons.
## Define non-zero beta values
Bex <- beta_builder(row.index = c(3, 3, 4),
col.index = c(3, 4, 3),
im.res = c(5, 5),
B0 = 0, B.values = rep(1/3, 3),
output.indices = FALSE)
## Simulate Datasets
## parameter values
Nex = 10
Gauss.ex <- sim_Y_Binary_X(N = Nex,
B = Bex,
dist = "gaussian",
im.res = c(5, 5))
## direct draws from binomial
Bin.ex <- sim_Y_Binary_X(N = Nex,
B = Bex,
im.res = c(5, 5),
dist = "binomial",
print.out = TRUE)
sim2Dpredictr version 0.1.1