Simulate Outcomes Using Spatially Dependent Design Matrices

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Documentation for package ‘sim2Dpredictr’ version 0.1.1

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beta_builder Create a Parameter Vector from Lattice Locations
chol_s2Dp Build and Take the Cholesky Decomposition of a Covariance Matrix
classify_multiclass Classify subjects based on predicted probabilities for each class
correlation_builder Build a Correlation Matrix for 2D Spatial Data
corr_fun Specify the Correlation Function between Two Locations
generate_grid Convert a 2D Space to Grid Coordinates
generate_multinom_probs Generate Probabilities for Multinomial Draws
inf_2D_image Display Inference Results for 2D Predictors
make_rejection Determine rejections
neighbors_by_dist Determine and store neighbors by Euclidean Distance Constraints
precision_builder Construct a Precision Matrix
proximity_builder Generate a Proximity Matrix
sample_FP_Power Obtain Sample False Positive Rates and Power
sim2D_binarymap Generate a Binary Map via the Boolean Method
sim2D_RandSet_HPPP Generate a Random Set Using a Poisson Process and Random Radii About Events
sim_MVN_X Simulate Spatially Correlated MVN Data
sim_Y_Binary_X Simulate Scalar Outcomes from Simulated Spatially Dependent Binary Predictors
sim_Y_MVN_X Simulate Scalar Outcomes from Simulated Spatially Correlated Predictors
within_area Determine Whether Lattice Points are Within or Without a Random Set