Pull {shipunov}R Documentation

Select rows from data frame


Selects rows from data frame basing on the evaluation of the second argument


Pull(df, ...)



Data frame to select from


Arguments to with(df, ...)


If the first argument is not a data frame, function will stop with an error.

Pull() is similar to subset() (but is much simpler and allows non-logical values) and to dplyr::filter() function.

Please avoid using Pull() in non-ineractive mode.


Data frame


Alexey Shipunov


`[`(trees, 3, 1) # ... so square bracket is a command
## arguments of `[` are independent; this is why square bracket does not "catch" the context:
trees[trees$Girth < 11 & trees$Height == 65, ] # boring and long
trees[trees$Girth < 11 & sample(0:1, nrow(trees), replace=TRUE), ] # yes, boring, long but flexible
trees[with(trees, Girth < 11 & Height == 65), ] # less boring but still long
## it would be nice to avoid typing "trees" twice:
Pull(trees, Girth < 11 & Height == 65) # shorter
Pull(trees, Girth < 11 & sample(0:1, nrow(trees), replace=TRUE)) # flexibility is still here
Pull(trees, Girth < 11 & sample(0:1, nrow(trees),
 replace=TRUE))$Height # if you want also select columns
Pull(trees, grep(81, Height)) # select not only by TRUE/FALSE but also by row index

[Package shipunov version 1.17.1 Index]