Miscellaneous Functions from Alexey Shipunov

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Documentation for package ‘shipunov’ version 1.17.1

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X misc

-- A --

Adj.Rand Adjusted Rand index
Aggregate1 Aggregates by one vector and uses it for row names
Alldups Finds all duplicates
atmospheres atmospheres

-- B --

Bclabels Plot bootstrap values
Bclust Bootstrapped hclust
BestOverlap Calculates the best overlap
Biarrows Adds correlation arrows to the scatterplot
Biokey Convert diagnostic keys and classification lists
BootA Bootstrap clustering
BootKNN Bootstrap with kNN
BootRF Bootstrap with 'randomForest()'
Boxplots Grouped boxplots

-- C --

Cdate System date, time plus easy save history
chaetocnema Chaetocnema flea beetles
Cladd Adds confidence bands to the simple linear model plots
Class.sample Samples along the class labels
classifs Classification lists
Classproj Class projection
Clustergram Clustergram: visualize the cluster structure
Coeff.det Average coefficients of determination for each variable
Coml Compare checklists
Cor Correlation matrix with p-values
Cor.vec Calculates correlation and converts results into the named long vector
Cor2 Correlation matrix with p-values
Ctime System date, time plus easy save history
CVs Coefficients of variation

-- D --

Ditto Removes duplicated data values downstream
DNN Distance matrix based kNN classification
Dnn Distance matrix based kNN classification
dolbli dolbli
Dotchart Improved dotcharts
Dotchart1 Improved dotcharts
Dotchart3 Improved dotcharts
drosera drosera

-- E --

Ell Plot ellipse
Ellipses Confidence ellipses
eq eq
eq_l eq
eq_s eq
Ex.boxplot Boxplot explanation
Ex.col Examples of colors
Ex.cols Examples of colors
Ex.font Examples of fonts
Ex.fonts Examples of fonts
Ex.lines Examples of line types
Ex.lty Examples of line types
Ex.margins Example of plot margins
Ex.pch Point examples
Ex.plots Examples of plot types
Ex.points Point examples
Ex.types Examples of plot types

-- F --

Fence Colorize tips of 'hclust' plot
Fibonacci Plant phyllotaxis
Files Textual file system browser
Fill Fill data values downstream, like in spreadsheets

-- G --

Gap.code Gap coding
Gen.cl.data Generates datasets for clustering
Gini Compute the simple Gini coefficient
Gower.dist Gower distance
Gradd Classification grid and decision boundaries
Gridmoon Draw with 'R'

-- H --

haltica Haltica flea beetles
Hcl2mat Clustering to matrix
Hclust.match Counts matches between two hierarchical clusterings
Hcoords Calculates coordinates of nodes from 'hclust' plot
Histr Histogram with overlaid curve
hrahn Angiosperm families: morphological characters
Hulls Convex hulls for multiple groups
hwc hwc
hwc2 hwc
hwc3 hwc

-- I --

Infill Rarefaction curves

-- J --

Jclust Simple bootstrap and jackknife clustering

-- K --

K Coefficient of divergence
keys Diagnostic keys

-- L --

Life Game of Life
Linechart Dotchart-like plot sfor every scaled variable grouped by factor
Ls Ls

-- M --

Mag Interpreter for effect sizes
MDSv MDS: dimension importance ("explained variance" surrogate)
Miney Miney game
Misclass Misclassification (confusion) table
Missing.map Textual plot of missing data
moldino moldino
moldino_l moldino
MrBayes Calls MrBayes
MRH Matrix Representation of Hierarchical Clustering

-- N --

NC.dist Normalized Compression Distance
Normality Check normality
Numranks Convert diagnostic keys and classification lists

-- O --

Overlap Calculates overlap between polygons

-- P --

pairwise.Eff Pairwise table of effects with magnitudes
pairwise.Rro.test Robust rank order test post hoc derivative
pairwise.Table2.test Pairwise Chi-squared or Fisher test for 2-dimensional tables
Phyllotaxis Plant phyllotaxis
Pinhull Point in hull
plantago plantago
Pleiad Correlation circles (correlation pleiads)
plot.Bclust Bootstrapped hclust
plot.Infill Rarefaction curves
plot.Jclust Simple bootstrap and jackknife clustering
Plot.phylocl Plot phylogenetic tree with clades collapsed
PlotBest.dist Dotchart which reflects the "best" base distance method
PlotBest.hclust Plots dotchart with best clustering method
PlotBest.mdist Dotchart which reflects the "best" of non-base distances
Ploth Changes the appearance of cluster dendrogram
Points Number of cases in each location reflected in the point size
Polyarea Area of the polygon
Polycenter Center of the polygon
PPoints Number of cases in each location reflected in the point size
print.Jclust Simple bootstrap and jackknife clustering
print.K Coefficient of divergence
Pull Select rows from data frame

-- R --

R.logo Imitation (!) of the modern 'R' logo
Read.fasta Read 'FASTA' files
Read.tri.nts Read 'NTSYSpc' files
Recode Basic multiple recoding
Recode4 Basic multiple recoding
Recode4R Basic multiple recoding
RecodeR Basic multiple recoding
Root1 Roots phylogenetic trees even if outgroup is not monophyletic
Rostova.tbl Calculates multiple correlation matrices (via 'factor1') and stacks them together
Rpart2newick Converts 'rpart' object into Newick tree
Rresults Rresults shell script
Rro.test Robust rank order test

-- S --

S.value S-value
salix_leaves salix_leaves
salix_plants salix_leaves
salix_pop salix_leaves
Save.history System date, time plus easy save history
Saynodynamite Say "no" to dynamite plots!
SM.dist Simple Match distance
Squares Areas of polygons
Str 'str()' enchanced for data frames
summary.Coml Compare checklists
summary.Infill Rarefaction curves
summary.K Coefficient of divergence
summary.Overlap Calculates overlap between polygons

-- T --

Table2df Convert table to data frame saving structure
Tcoords Calculates coordinates of tips from 'hclust' plot
Tctext Easy way to add text labels to 'hclust' plot
Tobin Binarize (make dummy variables)
Toclip Insert content to Linux X11 clipboard
Topm Stacks correlation matrix
Ttcols Text-to-columns

-- U --

Updist Educated distances for semi-supervised clustering

-- V --

Vicinities Arrange observations by the distance from center
VTcoeffs Effect sizes of association between categorical variables

-- W --

Write.fasta Write 'FASTA' files

-- X --

Xpager Separate terminal pager for Linux

-- misc --

%-% Minus names