toolkit.pages {shinylight}R Documentation

JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element for displaying controls in tabbed pages.


Only one page will be visible at a time. The returned element has getData and setData methods that take or return (respectively) an object with keys that are the IDs of the pages.



object dictionary of pageIds to elements (that will be added to the return value of this function). These elements each need methods show, hide and setData (like the ones returned by toolkit.header, toolkit.scrollingWrapper, toolkit.nonScrollingWrapper, toolkit.leftSideBar, (that is to say, Positioned Elements) if they are to be output pages. Only show and hide if they are to be available permanently and not be set through the setData call.


object dictionary of pageIds to objects with keys name (for the label text) and help (for tooltip help HTML)


string If you want HTML IDs for your tab elements, set this and the ID will be set to tabIdPrefix + pageId.


An element that has the tabs and the tabs that switch between them. The active tab has the "active" class. It has the following extra methods: setData(data): data is a dictionary with keys matching the pageIds. The values are passed to the setData() functions of the corresponding elements. Pages without any data (and their corresponding radio buttons) are summarily disabled. Pages with data are enabled. reposition(): sets each page to the same dimensions as the container and calls each page's reposition() method (if it exists).

[Package shinylight version 1.2 Index]